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Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Croix Rouge de Luxembourg
Site web :
Adresse email :
Lieu de l'emploi : Niamey /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Coordination
Date de publication : 08/06/2015
Date limite : 24/06/2015



  • Formation supérieure dans le domaine de la gestion ou de la construction
  • Expérience professionnelle d’au moins 10 ans, dont au moins 3 ans en mission humanitaire, dans un poste à responsabilité
  • La connaissance de l’Afrique et de la région sahélienne constitue un atout
  • Excellente maîtrise à l’oral et à l’écrit de la langue française et des bonnes connaissances en anglais



Pour les projets de l’Aide internationale de la Croix-Rouge luxembourgeoise A.S.B.L. à Niamey (Niger) en CDD de 12 mois à partir du 15 juillet 2015 (réf : AN1506-00160)

Les projets consistent en l’assistance aux populations réfugiées, déplacées et sinistrées principalement dans le domaine des abris et de l’assainissement.

Missions :

  • Définir les projets et assurer le suivi des projets de la Croix-Rouge luxembourgeoise au Niger en identifiant les besoins en concertation avec le partenaire local et le gestionnaire de programmes au Luxembourg
  • Veiller à la mobilisation de l’ensemble des ressources humaines et matérielles nécessaires à l’atteinte des objectifs opérationnels en respect des contraintes logistiques, sécuritaires et financières
  • Assurer la supervision de la gestion administrative et financière de la mission, ainsi que la bonne utilisation des fonds mis à disposition 
  • Superviser la gestion des projets et l’ensemble des équipes locales et expatriées
  • Assurer l’adaptation et le respect des règles de sécurité

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : GOAL
Site web :
Adresse email :
Lieu de l'emploi : Zinder /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Coordination
Date de publication : 27/05/2015
Date limite : 30/06/2015


Qualified nutritionist;
•    Qualified Medical doctor;
•    Relevant international course in Public Health Nutrition/MSc preferred;
•    Minimum 4 years’ experience in emergency and development programming with proven management/coordination experience with international organisations/agencies;
•    Strong interpersonal and skills and ability to effectively work in a multi-cultural context;
•    Proven effective  analytical, problem solving and planning skills;
•    Experience in liaising with government officials, other NGOs, donors and UN agencies;
•    Willingness to travel to underdeveloped/volatile areas of Niger;
•    Proven training and capacity building skills;
•    Very enthusiastic and able to work extra hours to achieve the objectives of the programme;
•    Fluency in French with excellent written and spoken English (essential for proposal writing / reporting);
•    Appreciation of the aims and objectives of GOAL.


GOAL est présent au Niger depuis 2005 en réponse aux crises alimentaires et aux besoins humanitaires des communautés les plus fragiles. GOAL soutient les populations des districts de Mirriah, Goure, Matamaye, Magaria et Kantache dans la région de Zinder. Au fil des années, les activités se sont diversifiées avec aujourd’hui des programmes communautaires dans les domaines suivants : nutrition, agriculture, sécurité alimentaire, livelihoods, environnement, réhabilitation d’écoles et WASH.

GOAL veut développer ses activités et recherche une personne motivée et compétente pour rejoindre son équipe au Niger.

La déscription du poste est en anglais étant donné que le processus de recrutement se déroulera principalement en anglais.

The Health and Nutrition Coordinator takes overall responsibility for the implementation of the health and nutrition component of GOAL Niger’s programme, including some WASH activities. While in the past GOAL implemented Supplementary Feeding Programmes (SFPs) to address moderate acute malnutrition, a lack of food security has prompted GOAL to pilot a new approach through Nutrition Impact and Positive Practice (NIPP) circles. These combine a cooking demonstration, public health and nutrition education (PHNE) and livelihoods through micro-gardening, and are designed to be community-owned and sustainable. The Health and Nutrition Coordinator will be responsible for rolling out this project and other health and nutrition projects, including wash activities.
Currently GOAL is looking for an enthusiastic Health and Nutrition Coordinator with experience in the management and prevention of under-nutrition to be able to ensure the effective design (in conjunction with GOAL’s Nutrition Advisors), implementation and follow-up and report on newly established interventions as well as the provision of capacity building of Nigerien staff. 


The Health and Nutrition Coordinator collaborates closely with the Area Coordinator, reports directly to the Country Director and works closely with other programme staff to ensure optimal integration of programme activities where appropriate.  
Key Duties
•    Assume overall management for the development of an integrated health and nutrition project with wash activities, within GOAL’s Niger programme.
•    Responsible for the design and oversight of all health and nutrition interventions with wash components implemented or overseen by GOAL including:
o    Liaison with prospective donors, concept note development, proposal writing (including log-frame and Gannt chart), budget preparation, procurement planning and recruitment of requisite staff
o    Oversight of the design of any new program materials/ toolkits required
o    Oversight and implementation of adequate monitoring and evaluation systems to assess the quality and outcomes of nutrition interventions, including requisite surveys/ assessments (planning to be conducted in strict collaboration with GOAL S&A / Health and Nutrition Advisors), in line with proposals
o    Training and subsequent management of nutrition staff
•    Ensure close coordination with local partners (Ministries, national NGOs/INGOs, etc.) to assess outcomes, evaluate efficacy of complementary health and nutrition activities funded by GOAL and determine whether these are aligned to GOAL Niger’s strategy.
•    Verify that any new health and nutrition activities look to support short-term emergency needs (when suitable) but ensure that longer-term development activities, tackling the underlying causes of cyclical malnutrition in Zinder, are given a priority focus.
•    Guarantee that GOAL’s health and nutrition programing is tightly coordinated with other sectors to ensure a multi-sectoral approach is provided, thus maximising potential outcomes
•    Given the multi-causal nature of under nutrition, discuss with GOAL’s other sectoral coordinators & the Country Director (CD) the need for additional complementary activities under other sectoral domains, that might be required to help improve the target populations’ nutritional situation. 
•    Verify that GOAL’s health and nutrition response remains closely aligned to the needs of any evolution in the context.
•    Ensure that the implementation of programme activities is in line with the national protocol.
•    Responsibility for donor reporting and technical liaison in-country.
•    Representation of GOAL (as viable) at national and regional health and nutrition meetings, cultivating close relationships with donors, ministries and other key national stakeholders.
•    Closely monitor in-country / regional developments through the Système d’alerte Précoce (SAP), FAOs Global Information & Early Warning System on Food & Ag’ (GIEWS), FAOSAT, AQUASAT, national / regional Surveys & Assessments, plus Ministry, UN and donor response plans.
•    To be fully conversant with GOAL policies and guidelines, including HR, logistics, finance, administration and security protocols.
•    Any other related tasks at the request by the CD or GOAL Dublin.


Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : GOAL
Site web :
Adresse email :
Lieu de l'emploi : Niamey (with more than 50% of travel to field locations) /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Coordination
Date de publication : 13/08/2015
Date limite : 30/08/2015


  • University degree in International Development, Social studies, programme/project management or any relevant area of study to support knowledge in programme/project management
  • Minimum 5 years of experience working with INGOs in humanitarian assistance/development programmes with at least 3 consecutive years at senior project/programme management level.
  • Experience in DRR, FSL, health/nutrition emergency projects/programmes with an emphasis on resilience building and empowering vulnerable communities.
  • Strong writing skills and ability to write quality donor reports, updates and success stories
  • Proven project management skills, including budget, activity and data management
  • Demonstrated capability in leading and managing large cross cultural teams including diverse sector specialists.
  • Willingness to adapt to basic living conditions and flexibility to adapt to changing requirements.
  • Strong analytical and strategic planning skills, creative approach to problem solving
  • Experience of liaising with donors, partners and other agencies, contractors, suppliers and government officials.
  • Previous experience managing and/or implementing EC/ECHO, USAID/OFDA-funded programmes
  • Fluent French and English speaker
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills


GOAL est présent au Niger depuis 2005 en réponse aux crises alimentaires et aux besoins humanitaires des communautés les plus fragiles. GOAL soutient les populations des districts de Mirriah, Goure, Matamaye, Magaria et Kantache dans la région de Zinder. Au fil des années, les activités se sont diversifiées avec aujourd’hui des programmes communautaires dans les domaines suivants : nutrition, agriculture, sécurité alimentaire, livelihoods, environnement, réhabilitation d’écoles et WASH.

GOAL veut développer ses activités et recherche une personne motivée et compétente pour rejoindre son équipe au Niger.

La déscription du poste est en anglais étant donné que le processus de recrutement se déroulera principalement en anglais. Pour envoyer votre candidature, suivez le lien

Overall the Assistant Country Director -Programmes is responsible for the development of the programme and the quality of programme delivery. Experience in delivering quality programming, on time and on budget are key requirements of a successful applicant. Integrating service delivery between all programming sectors at a community level is central to the role of the Programmes Coordinator. The Head of Programmes has responsibility for line-managing the Technical Coordinators: MEAL Co, Health & Nutrition Co, Livelihoods Co and other relevant team members. The Head of Programmes play a key role in representing and promoting GOAL in all relevant humanitarian coordination meetings and forums in Niger. The Head of Programmes has responsibility for ensuring that the cross-cutting agenda (Child Protection, HIV, Gender, and Environment) is appropriately embedded in programme design and implementation.
The successful candidate will have in-depth knowledge and understanding of key donor regulations, excellent and proven programme management skills including planning, execution, monitoring, reporting, financial management and capacity building.
Programme Management:
  • Directly manage programme coordinators and technical team members (national and expat)
  • Ensure programmes are well designed, delivered on time and on budget, are appropriately monitored and evaluated, deliver as expected to our communities and are appropriately reported to donors
  • Plan project activities and work with implementing teams to ensure detailed project implementation plans (per sector) are in place, understood by team members across all sectors and effectively implemented as scheduled
  • Work closely with members of the GOAL Niger Programme Team to ensure high quality in all aspects of the programme
  • In coordination with the MEAL and Programme teams, ensure effective systems to monitor and evaluate the quality of project delivery are in place
  • Develop and oversee implementation of comprehensive and cost effective project visibility and communication strategies, recognising donor contributions
  • Ensure quality reporting of programme achievements and documenting of best practices and lessons learnt in the course of implementation
  • Work closely with support departments (Finance and Logistics and in particular the Area Coordinator) to ensure adequate support is provided to support programme delivery
 Budget Management
  • Oversee project budgets, including monitoring expenditure against budget lines and ensuring funds are properly utilised in meeting project objectives
  • Work closely with Finance & Logistics departments to ensure coordinated planning and responsible use of project funds in line with GOAL policies and procedures
 Staff Management
  • Line manage the technical coordinators and programme team, assisting with recruitment, leave planning and performance management
  • Develop the capacity of programme team members and project staff
  • Work closely with the Country Director to ensure effective communication and representation with donor community, clusters, and government, facilitating their involvement and understanding of the project.
  • Liaise with other organisations, coordination groups etc. both at national and regional level 
  • Prepare all project reports (internal and external) for submission.
  • Carry out other tasks and activities as requested by the Country Director

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Croix-Rouge de Belgique - Communauté francophone
Site web :
Adresse email :
Lieu de l'emploi : Niamey (and Zinder), /
Fichier : File job_description_for_finance_and_administration_delegate_niger.docx
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Gestion financière
Date de publication : 13/04/2015
Date limite : 27/04/2015


Professional /academic qualification in finance or accounting



The Irish Red Cross has been working to improve the lives of vulnerable people in Niger for the past 10 years, through Livelihood programmes. The Finance and Administration Delegate (FAD) is one of three senior roles supporting a dedicated staff of 23. Irish Red Cross has offices in Niamey and Zinder, and the FAD is based primarily in Niamey with regular missions to Zinder.

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Croix-Rouge de Belgique - Communauté francophone
Adresse email :
Lieu de l'emploi : Niger /
Fichier : Microsoft Office document icon tor_for_evaluation_of_irish_red_cross_niger_programme.doc
Type d'emploi : Autre
Type de contrat : Autre
Fonction : Autre
Date de publication : 06/01/2015
Date limite : 25/01/2015




Place of evaluation:             Zinder Region, Niger

Length of evaluation:          40 days

Deadline for submission of application and proposal:          26th Jan 2015

Dates of evaluation:            2nd Feb- 13th March 2015

Language requirements:    English and French

Final Report Language:       English



The Irish Red Cross (IRC) has been working in Niger since 2005, and has been implementing livelihood and capacity building programmes since 2008. Consistent with its Africa Strategy (2009-2014), the IRC works in close collaboration with the Red Cross Society of Niger, local institutional partners, communities and individuals to reduce vulnerability to food insecurity and to build strong and sustainable livelihoods among some of Niger’s poorest and most vulnerable populations. The IRC programming in Niger is primarily aimed at improving livelihoods, ensuring food security, and strengthening families’ abilities to cope and adapt to a high-risk and disaster prone environment.


Since 2008 the livelihoods programme has focused on responding to the significant needs within Tanout and Belbéji Departments in Zinder region and has developed exceptional knowledge and strong relationships with local institutions, local leaders and the local population.  To date, the IRC has directly reached the populations of 75 different communities, impacting directly more than 5% of the total population of Tanout department (close to 20,000 people in over 3000 households). The communities are spread within 02 of the 56 councils[1] in the Zinder region.


The overall goal of the programme is to contribute to improved long-term food security in vulnerable communities and among vulnerable households through the strengthening of livelihoods and community-based coping mechanisms.


The IRC seeks a team of two consultants (including one Nigerien) to undertake an evaluation of the overall IRC program in Niger, and specifically to assess how the various projects have contributed to the achievement of the overall programme goal. The evaluation should focus specifically on 30% of the villages/communities reached over the 2008 – December 2014 period, which should be visited during a field-mission.


In addition to evaluating a selection of the projects carried out in the sample villages (and their contribution to the overall programme goal) the evaluation should also consider programme design and planning, and programmatic implementation and lessons learned. The evaluation should contain recommendations that respond to needs of primary users of the evaluation and that will in particular inform future strategic and operational planning documents.




Interested candidates should submit their applications by post or electronically before the 26th January to:

Gillian McCarthy, Desk Officer,

Irish Red Cross, 16 Merrion Square,

Dublin 2,



The application should include:

-          The consultant(s) CV(s),

-          A cover letter illustrating the consultants relevant experience, and availability (note: preference will be given to consultants available for the work in February),

-          An Evaluation Work Plan and Methodology which should include issues to be studies and assumptions to be tested during the field mission to Niger,

-          A proposed budget showing the entirety of costs for the evaluation (budget not to exceed 16,000),

-          A list of past evaluations carried out.

[1] The basic decentralized local authority (that is, local government unit) in Niger
