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Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : COOPI
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Cameroun - Yaoundé /
Fichier : File coopi_-_desk_directeur_regional.docx
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Coordination
Date de publication : 24/09/2020
Date limite : 12/10/2020


• Formation universitaire ou post - universitaire en Économie du Développement, Gestion, Sciences Sociales, Sciences Politiques ou autres profils pertinents, ou mix de formation et expérience équivalente ;
• Expérience de 10 ans dans la gestion de projets dans contextes à sécurité précaire ou post-conflit ;
• Excellente connaissance du Cycle de Projet ; • Maîtrise des procédures des principaux Bailleurs (Commission Européenne, USAID, UNDP, ECHO etc.) ;
• Excellente connaissance de la langue française et anglaise ;
• Excellente connaissance du paquet MS Office. Compétences transversales
• Grand sens de l’organisation, capacité de prise de décisions en autonomie, responsabilité ;
• Très bonne attitude au problem-solving et polyvalence ;
• Fort leadership et diplomatie ;
• Capacité de gestion du stress ;
• Capacité de gestion RH ;
• Capacité de travailler dans un environnement multiculturel avec des personnalités très différentes ;
• Capacité démontrée de travail en équipe.

• Connaissance et expérience dans l’écriture de projets et méthodologie de suivi et évaluation ;
• Connaissance de la langue italienne.

Envoyer candidature (CV et lettre de motivation) sur le lien suivant :

COOPI se réserve la possibilité de clore un recrutement avant la date d’échéance de l’annonce. Merci de votre compréhension.

COOPI est une organisation non gouvernementale italienne, indépendante et laïque, fondée à Milan en 1965. Depuis plus de 50 ans, COOPI est engagée dans la lutte contre la pauvreté avec un soutien à long terme et une présence constante sur le terrain à côté des populations touchées par la guerre, les crises socio-économiques et les catastrophes naturelles. Les activités de COOPI visent à encourager le développement et à répondre aux situations d’urgence. En Afrique, Amérique Latine et Moyen Orient COOPI favorise l'accès à l'eau, ainsi que le droit à la santé et à l'éducation des communautés les plus pauvres.


Le/La Directeur/trice Régional (DR) représente COOPI et soutient l'intervention de l'Organisation dans la zone géographique de compétence, en assurant que la mission et la vision de COOPI soient respectées dans les stratégies nationales et dans la mise en œuvre des programmes et des projets. Le/La DR est également responsable de toutes les activités de l'Organisation dans les pays de la région et promeut les relations avec les différents acteurs nationaux et internationaux, le/la DR effectue des missions périodiques de monitorage aux Coordinations Pays et des programmes.

RAPPORT À : Direction au siège central de Milan

Nous encourageons le personnel international présent dans le pays à postuler.

• participe au Comité stratégique du Siège ;
• définit et propose à la Direction la stratégie régionale, la stratégie des Pays concernés et les priorités d'action correspondantes ;
• collabore avec les Coordinateurs Pays à l'identification des activités des projets avec les différents bailleurs de fonds ;
• garantit, dans les Pays de compétence, l'application et le contrôle des procédures de l'Organisation et des règlements internes, respect des principes éthiques, des outils de lutte contre la corruption et de prévention des abus, la mise en œuvre correcte des projets, en particulier en ce qui concerne les acteurs et les bénéficiaires, et le respect des procédures établées par les bailleurs ;
• responsabilité de gestion de la coordination, des résultats économiques de la coordination et des Pays et de la gestion des ressources humaines.

Responsabilités Relations Institutionnelles
• développe et encourage les relations avec les différents acteurs locaux et internationaux présents dans la zone géographique (bailleurs de fonds, institutions, autorités, ONG internationales et nationales, partenaires locaux) afin d'assurer la meilleure gestion possible des activités en cours et l'identification de nouveaux programmes/interventions possibles en accord avec des stratégies définies avec les pays et le siège ;
• coordonne avec la Direction le développement des relations avec les acteurs en Italie et en Europe.

Stratégie de programmes et Planification
• définit et propose à l’Organisation l'élaboration et la mise-à-jour des stratégies de zone et de Pays et il/elle assure avec les Coordinateurs Pays l'élaboration et la mise à jour périodique des documents respectifs de la planification stratégique et des plans opérationnels ;
• garantit un monitorage systématique du plan opérationnel de la Coordination e des Pays de compétence. Monitorage et gestion des projets/programmes
• supervise toutes les phases nécessaires à la présentation de nouveaux projets, en se référant aux bureaux de support du siège ;
• assure l'envoi de toute la documentation officielle des projets (contrats, correspondance officielle, rapport narratifs et financiers, accords avec les partenaires, etc.) et de toute la documentation du monitorage demandée par le siège.

Gestion administrative et financière
• responsable, avec le support des bureaux compétents, des analyses du budget prévisionnel et final et des fonctionnements financiers et économiques des Pays de sa compétence (préparation du budget annuel et révisions).

Gestion Ressources Humaines
• en coordination avec le bureau des Ressources Humaines et les Coordinateurs/trices Pays à l'étranger, assure la sélection et le recrutement du personnel expatrié pour lequel il/elle établie montant contractuel (TDR, le plan de mission au siège et dans le pays le montant contractuel, la sécurité et les éventuels benefit) et participe aux intretiens ;
• contrôle le flux correct des documents de gestion des ressources humaines expatriés et entre le siège et les Pays compétents : il/elle active et conclut le processus de négociation, supervise le processus de préparation, de signature et d'envoi du contrat ;
• en coordination avec les bureaux d'appui dédiés, participe à la définition du plan de formation du personnel sélectionné et le processus d'évaluation performative ;
• supervise la gestion du personnel local et expatrié effectué par la coordination pays y comprie l'application correcte des procédures de sécurité. Sécurité
• supervise la situation sécurité dans les pays concernés en contact avec les coordinateurs pays et il/elle prend les décisions nécessaires dans les situations de crise en coordination avec les bureaux compétents du siège ;
• assure le contact avec les agences de l'ONU qui s'occupent de la sécurité dans les pays de compétence.

Communication institutionnelle
• collabore, avec le bureau et coordonne les activités de visibilité et de communication de l'organisation dans la zone géographique de sa compétence.

Procédures et relations internes (Siège - Pays)
• en coordination avec les bureaux compétents du siège, assure la rédaction et la mise à jour des règlements pays et des procédures de sécurité conformément aux procédures internes de COOPI ;
• contrôle le respect des procédures des bailleurs de fonds et des contraintes contractuelles ainsi que des procédures de gestion de COOPI.

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : COOPI
Site web : Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Niger /
Fichier : File coopi_-_charge_de_programme.docx
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Gestion de projet
Date de publication : 24/09/2020
Date limite : 23/10/2020


Formation/Compétences spécifiques

  • Diplôme universitaire supérieur (Master) ou équivalent par expérience, en sciences politiques, sciences sociales et similaires ;
  • Au moins 5 ans d’expérience dans la gestion et la coordination des projets d’ urgence et de développement dans des PVD (expérience de travail en Afrique et / ou dans des contextes de conflit / post-conflit est un atout) ;
  • Expérience dans la sous-traitance des projets de recherche aux universités et l’accompagnement des consultants ;
  • Expérience en rédaction de propositions de projets, de rapports bailleurs et en conception de projets ;
  • Maitrise des techniques de supervision, de suivi, d’évaluation et de capitalisation des projets ;
  • Avoir une expérience de réalisation d’évaluations par les enquêtes SMART et SQUEAC ;
  • Avoir déjà coordonné les enquêtes CAP avec focus group.

Compétences transversales

  • Excellentes capacités relationnelles et de communication ;
  • Maîtrise des logiciels courants (Word, Excel, Power Point) ;
  • Maîtrise de la langue française, écrite et parlée, et bonne connaissance de la langue anglaise ;
  • Bonnes capacités rédactionnelles ;
  • Capacité à travailler en équipe, dans un environnement multiculturel et sous pression.


  • Expériences de travail dans des pays d’Afrique francophones ;
  • Précédente expérience avec COOPI et connaissances de ses procédures.

Envoyer candidature (CV et lettre de motivation) sur le lien suivant :

COOPI se réserve la possibilité de clore un recrutement avant la date d’échéance de l’annonce. Merci de votre compréhension.

COOPI est une organisation non gouvernementale italienne, indépendante et laïque, fondée à Milan en 1965. Depuis plus de 50 ans, COOPI est engagée dans la lutte contre la pauvreté avec un soutien à long terme et une présence constante sur le terrain à côté des populations touchées par la guerre, les crises socio-économiques et les catastrophes naturelles. Les activités de COOPI visent à encourager le développement et à répondre aux situations d’urgence. En Afrique, Amérique Latine et Moyen Orient COOPI favorise l'accès à l'eau, ainsi que le droit à la santé et à l'éducation des communautés les plus pauvres.


COOPI recherche un/e Chargé/e de Programme au Niger
La mission de COOPI au Niger s’inscrit dans la mission de COOPI au niveau mondial : coopérer pour la lutte contre la pauvreté à travers l’engagement, la motivation, la détermination et le professionnalisme des collaborateurs sur le terrain. La stratégie est ainsi basée sur : la collaboration étroite avec les autorités et les partenaires de la société civile locale ; la coordination et la concertation avec les acteurs humanitaires et de développent du Niger (Institutions internationales et ONG).

COOPI est présent au Niger depuis 2012 avec un bureau de coordination à Niamey, et de bases terrain à Diffa, Agadez, Maradi, Tahoua et Tillabéry. Actuellement, COOPI travaille dans la région de Diffa dans les secteurs de la protection, la santé mentale, et l’éducation en situation d’urgence ; à Niamey et Agadez dans la migration mixte avec la gestion des cases de passage et l’appui psychosocial des réfugiés et migrants ; dans les régions de Tillabéry et Tahoua à travers des interventions RRM santé/nutrition et EiE ; dans la région de Maradi avec des interventions en protection. Les principaux bailleurs de fonds sont l’UE, ECHO, la Coopération Suisse, la Coopération Italienne (AICS), OFDA et les agences des Nations Unies (UNHCR, UNICEF, OMS).

Nous encourageons le personnel international présent dans le pays à postuler.

Responsabilités générales

  • Définir, en collaboration avec le chef de mission, la stratégie globale des programmes et coordonner les interventions de COOPI Niger.
  • Assurer la coordination, la programmation, le suivi de la mise en œuvre et evaluation des activités et ldes projets.
  • Apporter un appui technique, identifier des besoins stratégiques et opérationnels et proposer des solutions aux besoins identifiés et assurer leur mise en œuvre.
  • Faciliter et contribuer à la capitalisation des projets de COOPI au Niger.
  • Le/la Chargé de programme sera basé dans le bureau de coordination de COOPI Niger à Niamey, et fera partie de l’équipe programme (coordinateurs sectorielles, chefs de projets).
  • Il/elle sera sous la supervision du le Chef de Mission.

Le responsable du programme sera en charge de :

  • Rédiger de nouvelles propositions ;
  • Revoir des rapports de projet, en liaison avec le Chef de Mission ;
  • Participer à la coordination sectorielle humanitaire avec les autres acteurs ;
  • Assurer la cohérence dans la transversalité entre urgence et le nexus développement ;
  • Contribuer à la recherche action et une approche axée sur les preuves ;
  • Appui à la mise en place des interventions innovantes.

Responsabilités spécifiques

Développement de propositions de projets

  • Appui fourni aux experts sectoriels pour assurer la préparation de propositions de projets (nouveaux financements) de qualité en ligne avec la stratégie pays ;
  • Tâches rédactionnelles, de recherche, de coordination et partage d’information entre les différents staffs ;
  • Appui aux consultants, chefs de projet dans la préparation de nouvelles propositions de projets : assistance technique, suivi du respect des lignes directrices ;
  • Appui à la collecte, à l'analyse et à la présentation d'informations de base pour la préparation d'analyses contextuelles des projets, l'application efficace d'outils de gestion axés sur les résultats et la conception d'objectifs de gestion ;
  • Appui à la mise en place du budget projet ;
  • Appui à la mise en place des plans d’achat.


  • Contribuer à la préparation et rédaction des rapports de projets (mensuel, trimestriel, final, etc.) de qualité et en ligne avec les règles contractuelles ;
  • Maintien et partage d’un plan de rapportage interne afin de garantir la soumission dans les délais de tous les rapports.

Suivi et évaluation

  • Suivi mensuel des projets en coopération avec les chefs de projet, le responsable du S&E et le coordinateur administratif ;
  • Validation et transmission des rapports techniques aux bailleurs de fonds conformément aux procédures et délais, en coordination avec le Chef de Mission ;
  • Recueillir les leçons apprises et mettre en place des études de cas pour éclairer la programmation future et les orientations stratégiques ;
  • Organisation et mise en œuvre des missions d'évaluation prévues par les projets : participation à l'élaboration du TdR d'éventuels consultants, organisation des visites sur le terrain, préparation des rapports d'évaluation interne et externe, retour au personnel (chefs de projet, experts sectoriels) ;
  • Soutenir l’équipe programme dans la collecte, mise à jour et analyse régulière des données spécifiques des différents projets et renseigner les outils de suivi programmatique de chaque projet, appui à la rédaction des d’études, évaluations, et recherches de COOPI selon les besoins ;
  • Appui à la fourniture des données pour les matrices/outils de gestion de l’information conçus à niveau des clusters/groupes de travail sectoriel du système humanitaire d’OCHA ;
  • Organisation éventuelle de formations ad hoc (cycle de projet, suivi/supervision, procédures de financement, instruments internes COOPI, questions transversales de protection, etc.).

Ressources humaines et formation

  • Participe au recrutement des staffs national ;
  • Participe au renforcement des compétences des staffs des projets ;
  • Participe aux entretiens d’évaluation des membres de son équipe fonctionnelle et/ou hiérarchique. Communication
  • Appui à la production et diffusion des outils et produits de communication et de visibilité de COOPI au Niger (newsletter, fiches de projets, brochures, success stories, photos/vidéos, etc.) ; 
  • Collecte de données et informations nécessaires en collaboration avec les équipes terrains pour alimenter les produits de communication.


  • Participation aux réunions des Clusters, aussi à l’Inter-Cluster (ICCG) et autres réunions de coordination ;
  • Participation aux réunions de presentation de strategie et calls for proposal ;
  • Collecte, partage et archivage de documents de projets et autres selon les besoins ;
  • Facilitation du partage des connaissances et du développement des compétences ;
  • Résumé et diffusion interne et externe des enseignements tirés de l'expérience et des bonnes pratiques du COOPI dans le domaine de la protection ;
  • Toute autre tâche nécessaire au bon fonctionnement du programme demandé par le Chef de Mission.

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : COOPI
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Cameroun - Yaoundé /
Fichier : File coopi_-_administrateur_regional.docx
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Coordination
Date de publication : 24/09/2020
Date limite : 23/10/2020



  • Formation universitaire en Administration, Administration des Affaires, Finances, Gestion des organismes sans but lucratif et Gestion des affaires ;
  • Un minimum de 5 ans d'expérience professionnelle pertinente ;
  • Au moins trois ans d'expérience démontrée dans le domaine de l'aide internationale et du développement dans des pays africains, se trouvant dans une situation similaire ;
  • Maîtrise des procédures des principaux Bailleurs (ex. EU, ECHO, les Agences UN) ;
  • Excellent niveau de communication oral et écrit, d'aptitudes à la négociation, de compétences multitâches et grands de l’organisation ;
  • Expérience de liaison avec les autorités gouvernementales/locales, les OI et les ONG ;
  • Excellente connaissance de la langue française et bonne connaissance de la langue anglaise ;
  • Excellente connaissance du paquet MS office. Compétences transversales
  • Capacité démontrée de travail en équipe ;
  • Capacité démontrée de travailler dans des environnements stressants et sous pression.


  • Connaissance de la langue italienne ;
  • Précédente expérience dans une mission de COOPI ;
  • Expérience de travail dans des environnements sujets aux conflits ;
  • Expérience en matière de logistique, d'approvisionnement et de sécurité ;
  • Expérience dans la gestion du personnel.

Envoyer candidature (CV et lettre de motivation) sur le lien suivant :

COOPI se réserve la possibilité de clore un recrutement avant la date d’échéance de l’annonce.
COOPI est une organisation non gouvernementale italienne, indépendante et laïque, fondée à Milan en 1965. Depuis plus de 50 ans, COOPI est engagée dans la lutte contre la pauvreté avec un soutien à long terme et une présence constante sur le terrain à côté des populations touchées par la guerre, les crises socio-économiques et les catastrophes naturelles. Les activités de COOPI visent à encourager le développement et à répondre aux situations d’urgence. En Afrique, Amérique Latine et Moyen Orient COOPI favorise l'accès à l'eau, ainsi que le droit à la santé et à l'éducation des communautés les plus pauvres.


COOPI cherche un/e Administrateur/trice Régional Afrique Centrale basé/e à Yaoundé
L’Administrateur/trice Régional assure la coordination, la gestion, la formation et le soutien de toutes les activités administratives menées au niveau de la coordination régionale dans la région. Des missions fréquentes sont prévues dans les pays de l'Afrique Centrale (Cameroun, Tchad, RDC et RCA). Sous la supervision du: Coordinateur(trice) Régional.

Nous encourageons le personnel international présent dans le pays à postuler.

Objectifs et résultats : en tant que membre clé de l'équipe de coordination régionale, le titulaire du poste devra :

  • s'assurer que la gestion des finances régionales, la gestion des RH et l'administration soient conformes aux politiques et aux lignes directrices du siège COOPI et aux lois locales ;
  • s'assurer que la qualité du programme soit conforme aux normes organisationnelles ;
  • appui les processus d’achat, de commerce et des financements des programmes, en gérant les propositions de financement et les rapports pour les bailleurs en temps utile et précis.

Responsabilités Budget

  • Il/Elle collabore à de nouveaux budgets de projets, tout en respectant la planification et la durabilité de la Coordination Régionale.

Gestion des projets

  • Au début du projet, il/elle reçoit le plan d’achat du Chef du Projet par l’Administrateur Pays, il/elle en vérifie la pertinence par rapport au budget et aux procédures nécessaires, après quoi il/elle le télécharge sur le database interne.
  • Il/Elle demande/reçoit les Coûts Italie des pays de compétence de la part du siège de Milan et il/elle les transmet à l'Administrateur Pays.
  • Il/Elle assure le suivi du développement du plan d’achat.
  • Il/Elle garantit une adhérence constante entre la comptabilité du projet et celle du pays, en vérifiant la cohérence entre les comptabilités et les autres documents internes.
  • Il/Elle vérifie et suit les subventions à recevoir.

Sélection et formation

  • Il/Elle participe à la phase de sélection par les entretiens, les tests et les évaluation finales.
  • Il/Elle assure l’évaluation des Administrateur Pays et Projets à la fin du contrat.


  • Il/Elle vérifie que les données fournis par les pays soient correctes et complètes pour le bilan et leur transmission au siège. Reporting
  • Planification et monitorage des temps de réalisation des rapports à présenter au siège et à l’étranger dans les Pays sous la Coordination.
  • Vérification et approbation des rapports intermédiaires ou finals réalisés au niveau local.
  • Finalisation et approbation des rapports finals qui doivent être transmis par le siège.
  • Compilation rapprochement des comptes bancaires.
  • Support aux audit réalisés par la siège des Pays concernés.
  • Vérification et analyse de rapprochement des comptes bancaires.


  • Il/Elle fournie un support à la préparation budgétaire annuel des Pays.
  • Il/Elle planifie le budget régional et son monitorage de façon périodique.
  • Il/Elle supporte l’organisation du travail des Administrateurs Pays en fournissant les indications (priorité, modalité) du travail.
  • Il/Elle assure la solidité financière de la Coordination Régionale.
  • Il/Elle vérifie la solidité financière, les pourcentages administratives et les contingents monétaires.
  • Il/Elle prépare et vérifie les compte-rendu administratif demandés par le siège.
  • Il/Elle vérifie un suivi actif et régulier des aspects financiers de chaque pays concernés.
  • Il/Elle s’occupe de la mise à jour pour l’élaboration des fiches budget.

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : INTERSOS - Organizzazione Umanitaria Onlus
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : HQ Rome (50%) with field missions (50%) /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Gestion financière
Date de publication : 23/01/2020
Date limite : 11/02/2020


INTERSOS is an independent humanitarian organization that assists the victims of natural disasters, armed conflicts and exclusion. Its activities are based on the principles of solidarity, justice, human dignity, equality of rights and opportunities, respect for diversity and coexistence, paying special attention to the most vulnerable people.

Terms of reference

Job Title: Regional Finance Controller Western Africa

Code: SR-00-1129

Duty station: HQ Rome (50%) with field missions (50%)

Starting date: 17/02/2020            

Contract duration: 12 months

Reporting to: Regional Finance Coordinator - Western Africa

Supervision of: Country Finance Coordinators of the assigned Region

Dependents: n/a

General context of the project

In recent years INTERSOS, the largest Italian humanitarian organization, has faced significant changes in terms of risen challenges, adopted structure, contexts to work. In this framework the Finance Department must redefine itself to effectively respond to the new demanding issues and assure the control over specific strategic processes, in order to guarantee the overall organization and its sustainability.

General purpose of the position

In the framework of the Strategic Plan (2018-2020), the Finance Department has identified a new role, the Regional Finance Controller, that will be assigned one for each Region, and in support of the Regional Finance Coordinator s/he will be responsible for the quality of the accounting data. S/he will liaise with the Country Finance Coordinators aimed at verifying and validating their output. Among his/her main tasks, the verification of regional accounting data, the consistency and correctness of donor reporting and other relevant operational tasks.

Main responsibilities and tasks

1. Accounting

  • Review and check Journal workbook of each Mission of the Region;
  • Ensure accuracy of Regional accounting;
  • Review country office receivables balances to ensure appropriate and timely follow-up;
  • Ensure that senior management is aware of financial, accounting and administrative issues that may impact country offices' performance;
  • Upload on cloud Drive of the Mission the monthly verified accounting.

2. Donor Reporting

  • Review financial reports prior to submission to the donors;
  • Review financial part of the amendments/budget revisions;
  • Review and finalize closeouts for grants.

3. Operational tasks

  • Move to the Country office for technical induction of new deployed Country Finance Coordinators;
  • Temporary replace (max 30 days) the vacant position of Country Finance Coordinators of the assigned Region in case of unavailability of Roving Finance officers.


Required profile and experience


  • Economics, Finance or other related degrees

Professional Experience

  • Relevant experience on finance project management with INGOs and/or International organizations

Professional Requirements

  • Sound accounting knowledge
  • Experience on the use of accounting software is appreciated
  • Good command of excel


  • French and English languages necessary
  • Italian language is appreciated but not necessary

Personal Requirements

  • Coordination skills
  • Respect for deadlines
  • Attitude to capacity building                                                                    


Interested candidates are invited to apply following the link below:                                                            

Please note that our application process is made of 3 quick steps: register (including your name, email, password, citizenship and Skype address), sign-up and apply attaching your CV and motivation letter in PDF format. Through the platform, candidates will be able to track their applications’ history with INTERSOS.            

In case you encounter severe difficulties applying through the platform, you can send an email attaching your CV and motivation letter (both in PDF version) via email to, with subject line: “Platform issue SR-00-1129 - Regional Finance Controller Western Africa - HQ / Field”.

Please also mention the name, position and contact details of at least two references, including the line manager during your last job. Family members are to be excluded.

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for the first interview

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : INTERSOS - Organizzazione Umanitaria Onlus
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : 30% HQ; 70% field /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Coordination
Date de publication : 23/01/2020
Date limite : 06/02/2020


INTERSOS is an independent humanitarian organization that assists the victims of natural disasters, armed conflicts and exclusion. Its activities are based on the principles of solidarity, justice, human dignity, equality of rights and opportunities, respect for diversity and coexistence, paying special attention to the most vulnerable people.



Terms of reference

Job Title: Medical Programme Advisor

Code: SR-00-1352

Duty station: 30% HQ; 70% field

Starting date: 07/02/2020

Contract duration: 12 months

Reporting to: Head of Medical Unit

Supervision of: n/a

Dependents: n/a


General context of the project

The Medical Programme Advisor ensures programmatic and technical support to INTERSOS’s programmes. He/she is the technical focal point to provide appropriate and timely technical guidance especially in project proposal design and development, reviewing reports and developing strategies to ensure quality in the health activities conducted by INTERSOS in the field.


General purpose of the position

Collaborate to the overall coherence of the medical strategy and activities of the Organization. Support to the definition, implementation and monitoring of the medical strategy in order to ensure the delivery of quality medical care for patients and their communities as well as to improve the health condition and humanitarian living conditions of the target population.


Main responsibilities and tasks

  • Conduct needs assessments and exploratory missions in new areas of intervention or in areas where INTERSOS is already present, in order to define health and nutrition priorities and potential new programs
  • Contribute to design the technical part of project proposals to be submitted to international donors and private foundations and support the region in the proposal writing where the medical team is not qualified to do that
  • In collaboration with the head of Medical Unit and Programs Department, plan, implement and monitor health & nutrition activities in line with established work plans and internal strategy
  • Is responsible for supporting the mission in the implementation of the medical policies, strategies, guidelines, standards and tools validated by HQ
  • Participate in the strategic decision-making platforms regarding programmes’ strategies and implementation
  • In collaboration with the Logistics Department supervise an efficient management of pharmacy and medical equipment (including emergency stock), and monitor consumption, follow-up and preparation of medical orders
  • Is responsible for medical data collection, analysis and reporting, to ensure a proper monitoring of the activities and to adapt them to existing programs. Ensure that medical data are collected, checked, analysed and interpreted
  • In emergency interventions, monitor activities in different medical specialties, and provide technical support to medical personnel in the field
  • Supervise, coordinate and train mission medical staffs in order to support and improve their performances and the knowledge of protocols and strategy, in order to strengthen health and nutritional component of programs
  • Follow up specific dossiers and activities upon requests of Head of Medical Unit


Required profile and experience


  • Degree in medical or paramedical (nurse or midwife) study.
  • Master' in public health and/or in humanitarian context and /or in tropical medicine is an added value

Professional Experience

  • At least 2 years working in health humanitarian projects field based
  • At least one experience as coordinator or manager of health activities

Professional Requirements

  • Good communication (written and oral) and interpersonal skills;
  • Previous experience in conducting need assessments
  • Previous experience in proposal writing


  • Fully proficient in written and spoken English and French. Italian is an added value

Personal Requirements

  • Flexibility
  • Strong organizational skills
  • Ability to work in team




Interested candidates are invited to apply following the link below:


Please note that our application process is made of 3 quick steps: register (including your name, email, password, citizenship and Skype address), sign-up and apply attaching your CV and motivation letter in PDF format. Through the platform, candidates will be able to track their applications’ history with INTERSOS.            


In case you encounter severe difficulties applying through the platform, you can send an email attaching your CV and motivation letter (both in PDF version) via email to, with subject line: “Platform issue SR-00-1352 Medical Programme Advisor”.

Please also mention the name, position and contact details of at least two references, including the line manager during your last job. Family members are to be excluded.


Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for the first interview.

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : INTERSOS - Organizzazione Umanitaria Onlus
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : 30% HQ; 70% field /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Santé
Date de publication : 09/01/2020
Date limite : 23/01/2020


INTERSOS is an independent humanitarian organization that assists the victims of natural disasters, armed conflicts and exclusion. Its activities are based on the principles of solidarity, justice, human dignity, equality of rights and opportunities, respect for diversity and coexistence, paying special attention to the most vulnerable people.

Terms of reference

Job Title: Medical Programme Advisor

Code: SR-00-1352

Duty station: 30% HQ; 70% field

Starting date: 01/02/2020

Contract duration: 12 months

Reporting to: Head of Medical Unit

Supervision of: n/a

Dependents: n/a

General context of the project

The Medical Programme Advisor ensures programmatic and technical support to INTERSOS’s programmes. He/she is the technical focal point to provide appropriate and timely technical guidance especially in project proposal design and development, reviewing reports and developing strategies to ensure quality in the health activities conducted by INTERSOS in the field.

General purpose of the position

Collaborate to the overall coherence of the medical strategy and activities of the Organization. Support to the definition, implementation and monitoring of the medical strategy in order to ensure the delivery of quality medical care for patients and their communities as well as to improve the health condition and humanitarian living conditions of the target population.

Main responsibilities and tasks

  • Conduct needs assessments and exploratory missions in new areas of intervention or in areas where INTERSOS is already present, in order to define health and nutrition priorities and potential new programs
  • Contribute to design the technical part of project proposals to be submitted to international donors and private foundations and support the region in the proposal writing where the medical team is not qualified to do that
  • In collaboration with the head of Medical Unit and Programs Department, plan, implement and monitor health & nutrition activities in line with established work plans and internal strategy
  • Is responsible for supporting the mission in the implementation of the medical policies, strategies, guidelines, standards and tools validated by HQ
  • Participate in the strategic decision-making platforms regarding programmes’ strategies and implementation
  • In collaboration with the Logistics Department supervise an efficient management of pharmacy and medical equipment (including emergency stock), and monitor consumption, follow-up and preparation of medical orders
  • Is responsible for medical data collection, analysis and reporting, to ensure a proper monitoring of the activities and to adapt them to existing programs. Ensure that medical data are collected, checked, analysed and interpreted
  • In emergency interventions, monitor activities in different medical specialties, and provide technical support to medical personnel in the field
  • Supervise, coordinate and train mission medical staffs in order to support and improve their performances and the knowledge of protocols and strategy, in order to strengthen health and nutritional component of programs
  • Follow up specific dossiers and activities upon requests of Head of Medical Unit

Required profile and experience


  • Degree in medical or paramedical (nurse or midwife) study.
  • Master' in public health and/or in humanitarian context and /or in tropical medicine is an added value

Professional Experience

  • At least 2 years working in health humanitarian projects field based
  • At least one experience as coordinator or manager of health activities

Professional Requirements

  • Good communication (written and oral) and interpersonal skills;
  • Previous experience in conducting need assessments
  • Previous experience in proposal writing


  • Fully proficient in written and spoken English and French. Italian is an added value

Personal Requirements

  • Flexibility
  • Strong organizational skills
  • Ability to work in team


Interested candidates are invited to apply following the link below:

Please note that our application process is made of 3 quick steps: register (including your name, email, password, citizenship and Skype address), sign-up and apply attaching your CV and motivation letter in PDF format. Through the platform, candidates will be able to track their applications’ history with INTERSOS.            

In case you encounter severe difficulties applying through the platform, you can send an email attaching your CV and motivation letter (both in PDF version) via email to, with subject line: “Platform issue SR-00-1352 Medical Programme Advisor”.

Please also mention the name, position and contact details of at least two references, including the line manager during your last job. Family members are to be excluded.

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for the first interview.

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : INTERSOS - Organizzazione Umanitaria Onlus
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : 30% HQ, 70% Field /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Santé
Date de publication : 24/12/2019
Date limite : 09/01/2020


INTERSOS is an independent humanitarian organization that assists the victims of natural disasters, armed conflicts and exclusion. Its activities are based on the principles of solidarity, justice, human dignity, equality of rights and opportunities, respect for diversity and coexistence, paying special attention to the most vulnerable people.



Terms of reference

Job Title: Medical programme advisor

Code: SR-00-1352

Duty station: 30% HQ; 70% field

Starting date: 01/02/2020

Contract duration: 12 months

Reporting to: Head of Medical Unit

Supervision of: n/a

Dependents: n/a


General context of the project

The Medical Programme Advisor ensures programmatic and technical support to INTERSOS’s programmes. He/she is the technical focal point to provide appropriate and timely technical guidance especially in project proposal design and development, reviewing reports and developing strategies to ensure quality in the health activities conducted by INTERSOS in the field.


General purpose of the position

Collaborate to the overall coherence of the medical strategy and activities of the Organization. Support to the definition, implementation and monitoring of the medical strategy in order to ensure the delivery of quality medical care for patients and their communities as well as to improve the health condition and humanitarian living conditions of the target population.


Main responsibilities and tasks

  • Conduct needs assessments and exploratory missions in new areas of intervention or in areas where INTERSOS is already present, in order to define health and nutrition priorities and potential new programs
  • Contribute to design the technical part of project proposals to be submitted to international donors and private foundations and support the region in the proposal writing where the medical team is not qualified to do that
  • In collaboration with the head of Medical Unit and Programs Department, plan, implement and monitor health & nutrition activities in line with established work plans and internal strategy
  • Is responsible for supporting the mission in the implementation of the medical policies, strategies, guidelines, standards and tools validated by HQ
  • Participate in the strategic decision-making platforms regarding programmes’ strategies and implementation
  • In collaboration with the Logistics Department supervise an efficient management of pharmacy and medical equipment (including emergency stock), and monitor consumption, follow-up and preparation of medical orders
  • Is responsible for medical data collection, analysis and reporting, to ensure a proper monitoring of the activities and to adapt them to existing programs. Ensure that medical data are collected, checked, analysed and interpreted
  • In emergency interventions, monitor activities in different medical specialties, and provide technical support to medical personnel in the field
  • Supervise, coordinate and train mission medical staffs in order to support and improve their performances and the knowledge of protocols and strategy, in order to strengthen health and nutritional component of programs
  • Follow up specific dossiers and activities upon requests of Head of Medical Unit


Required profile and experience


  • Degree in medical or paramedical (nurse or midwife) study.
  • Master’s in public health and/or in humanitarian context and /or in tropical medicine is an added valu

Professional Experience 

  • At least 2 years working in health humanitarian projects field based
  • At least one experience as coordinator or manager of health activities

Professional Requirements 

  • Good communication (written and oral) and interpersonal skills;
  • Previous experience in conducting need assessments
  • Previous experience in proposal writing


  • Fully proficient in written and spoken English and French. Italian is an added value

Personal Requirements 

  • Flexibility
  • Strong organizational skills
  • Ability to work in team






Interested candidates are invited to apply following the link below:


Please note that our application process is made of 3 quick stepsregister (including your name, email, password, citizenship and Skype address), sign-up and apply attaching your CV and motivation letter in PDF format. Through the platform, candidates will be able to track their applications’ history with INTERSOS.        


In case you encounter severe difficulties applying through the platform, you can send an email attaching your CV and motivation letter (both in PDF version) via email to, with subject line: “Platform issue  SR-00-1352  Medical programme advisor”.

Please also mention the name, position and contact details of at least two references, including the line manager during your last job. Family members are to be excluded.


Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for the first interview.

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : INTERSOS - Organizzazione Umanitaria Onlus
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Rome (HQ) or Amman /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Direction
Date de publication : 05/12/2019
Date limite : 19/12/2019


Required profile and experience


  • Advanced university degree in Social Sciences, International Relations, NGO management, or equivalent work experience

Professional Experience

  • Field working experience of at least seven (7) years in managing humanitarian programmes with increasing responsibilities

Professional Requirements

  • Good knowledge of humanitarian architecture;
  • Knowledge of the humanitarian project cycle management;
  • Strong computer literacy with a full knowledge of MS Office;
  • Knowledge of the main humanitarian donors, with particular reference to DG ECHO and UN ways of working


  • English mandatory, Arabic a strong plus

Personal Requirements

  • Strategic vision, leadership, people management skill;
  • Culturally sensitive and able to understand and work in complex contexts;
  • Able to set up new strategies, projects and tools;
  • Problem solving attitude;
  • Good team player with strong initiative;
  • Good interpersonal and communication skills;
  • Ability to adapt and work in difficult situations.


INTERSOS is an independent humanitarian organization that assists the victims of natural disasters, armed conflicts and exclusion. Its activities are based on the principles of solidarity, justice, human dignity, equality of rights and opportunities, respect for diversity and coexistence, paying special attention to the most vulnerable people.

Terms of reference

Job Title: Regional Director for the Middle East

Code: SR-00-1170

Duty station: Rome or Amman, with frequent field missions

Starting date: 01/01/2020

Contract duration: 2 year (renewable)

Reporting to: Director of Programmes

Supervision of: Deputy Regional Director and Heads of Mission

Dependents: N/A


General context of the project

INTERSOS is an International Humanitarian Organisation with its HQ in Rome, branch offices in Nairobi and Amman and representation offices in Geneva and Dakar. The organisational structure is comprised of the General Secretariat, the Departments of Programmes, Finance, Logistics & Supply, Communications & Fundraising and Human Resources, the Grants Control & Compliance Unit and the office of Internal Auditor. INTERSOS is operational in 17 countries with over 3,000 among national and international staff worldwide.

INTERSOS assists the victims of natural disasters, armed conflicts, exclusion and extreme vulnerability. Its activities are based on the principles of solidarity, justice, human dignity, equality of rights and opportunities, respect for diversity and coexistence, paying special attention to the most vulnerable people.

The Department of Programmes is led by the Director of Programmes and includes five Regional Directors, the Protection Unit, the Medical Unit, and the Emergency Unit.

General purpose of the position

The Regional Director represents INTERSOS in the geographic area of her/his competence and, in collaboration with the Deputy Regional Director, has the responsibility of strategic planning, implementation of the strategies and achievement of missions’ objectives. The Regional Director represents the Organisation in relation to third parties in the region of assignment, on the basis of the directives conferred by the Director of Programmes.

Main responsibilities and tasks

Under the supervision of the Director of Programmes and referring to the region of assignment, the Regional Director:

  • Designs strategies, defines territorial areas and sectors to be privileged, programmes and plans activities together with Deputy Regional Director;
  • In collaboration with the Deputy Regional Director guarantees the implementation of the regional strategies;
  • In collaboration with the Deputy Regional Director supervises the implementation of INTERSOS programmes in the missions under his/her responsibility;
  • Is responsible of the overall security in the geographic area of his/her competence and of the implementation of security protocols and policies;
  • Is responsible of relations with donors, stakeholders, authorities and representatives of beneficiaries and collaborates with Heads of Mission and project leaders in the management of these relations;
  • In collaboration with the Deputy Regional Director supervises the implementation of the programmes in the missions under his responsibility; projects (constraints and rules of the donors, consistency and technical-methodological congruity, quality of resources, effectiveness of results efficiency);
  • In coordination with Regional Finance Coordinator, follows up on the approval process at HQ level of project proposals before submission to the donors;
  • Links with Director of Programmes and Secretary General for the approval of projects that involve a high risk in accordance with the provisions of the risk analysis;
  • In collaboration with the Heads of Mission, guarantees the application of INTERSOS and donors administrative procedures for the efficient and transparent management of projects, offices and countries of his/her competence;
  • In collaboration with the Human Resources Department, supervises the management of Human Resources and in particular:
    • Collaborates to the recruitment of international Human Resources of the geographical area;
    • Motivates, directs and supports managers and teams encouraging cohesion and motivation;
    • Promotes orientation and training sessions for the operators of the region;
    • Evaluates the performance of Heads of Mission and is responsible to discuss the evaluation (IRP) and the achievement of objectives;
    • Supports the Heads of Mission in the evaluation process of the project leaders;
  • Ensures the constant and timely sharing of information and regular communication inside the Programmes Department to facilitate the adjustment of actions referring to coordination, monitoring and control of the project activities.

Required profile and experience


  • Advanced university degree in Social Sciences, International Relations, NGO management, or equivalent work experience

Professional Experience

  • Field working experience of at least seven (7) years in managing humanitarian programmes with increasing responsibilities

Professional Requirements

  • Good knowledge of humanitarian architecture;
  • Knowledge of the humanitarian project cycle management;
  • Strong computer literacy with a full knowledge of MS Office;
  • Knowledge of the main humanitarian donors, with particular reference to DG ECHO and UN ways of working


  • English mandatory, Arabic a strong plus

Personal Requirements

  • Strategic vision, leadership, people management skill;
  • Culturally sensitive and able to understand and work in complex contexts;
  • Able to set up new strategies, projects and tools;
  • Problem solving attitude;
  • Good team player with strong initiative;
  • Good interpersonal and communication skills;
  • Ability to adapt and work in difficult situations.


Interested candidates are invited to apply following the link below:


Please note that our application process is made of 3 quick steps: register (including your name, email, passwork, citizenship and Skype address), sign-up and apply attaching your CV and motivation letter in PDF format. Through the platform, candidates will be able to track their applications’ history with INTERSOS.            

In case you encounter severe difficulties applying through the platform, you can send an email attaching your CV and motivation letter (both in PDF version) via email to, with subject line: “Platform issue SR-00-1170 – Regional Director ME”.

Please also mention the name, position and contact details of at least two references, including the line manager during your last job. Family members are to be excluded.

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for the first interview.

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : INTERSOS - Organizzazione Umanitaria Onlus
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Rome (HQ) or Tunis, with frequent field missions /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Direction
Date de publication : 20/11/2019
Date limite : 02/12/2019



Required profile and experience


●        Advanced university degree in Human Sciences or International Relations

Professional Experience

●        Field working experience of at least five (5) years in managing humanitarian programmes with increasing responsibilities

Professional Requirements

●        Good knowledge of humanitarian architecture;

●        Knowledge of the humanitarian project cycle management;

●        Knowledge of the main humanitarian donors;

●        Strong computer literacy with a full knowledge of MSOffice

●        Knowledge of the main humanitarian donors, with particular reference to DG ECHO and UN ways of working


●        English & French are mandatory

●        Italian and Arabic a strong plus

Personal Requirements

●        Strategic vision, leadership, people management;

●        Culturally sensitive and able to understand and work in a very complex context;

●        Creative competency to set up new strategies, new projects, new tools;

●        Problem solving attitude;

●        Good team player with strong initiative;

●        Good interpersonal and communication skills;

●        Ability to adapt and work in difficult situations.



INTERSOS is an independent humanitarian organization that assists the victims of natural disasters, armed conflicts and exclusion. Its activities are based on the principles of solidarity, justice, human dignity, equality of rights and opportunities, respect for diversity and coexistence, paying special attention to the most vulnerable people.

Terms of reference

Job Title: Regional Director for Yemen, Afghanistan and Libya

Code: SR-00-1108

Duty station: Rome (HQ) or Tunis, with frequent field missions

Starting date: 15/11/2019

Contract duration: 2 year (renewable)

Reporting to: Director of Programmes

Supervision of: Regional Programme Support and Heads of Mission

Dependents: n/a

General context of the project

INTERSOS is an International Humanitarian Organisation with its HQ in Rome, branch offices in Nairobi and Amman and representation offices in Geneva and Dakar. The organisational structure is comprised of the Secretary General office, the Departments of Programmes, Finance, Logistics/ICT, Fundraising/Communication, Human Resources and the Internal Audit office. INTERSOS is operational in 17 countries with over 3,000 among national and international staff worldwide.

INTERSOS assists the victims of natural disasters, armed conflicts, exclusion and extreme vulnerability. Its activities are based on the principles of solidarity, justice, human dignity, equality of rights and opportunities, respect for diversity and coexistence, paying special attention to the most vulnerable people.

The Department of Programmes is led by the Director of Programmes and includes five Regional Desks, the Protection Unit, the Medical Unit, and the Emergency Unit.

General purpose of the position

The Regional Director represents INTERSOS in the geographic area of her/his competence and, in collaboration with the Regional Programme Support, has the responsibility of management, strategic planning, implementation of the strategies and achievement of mission objectives. The Regional Director represents the Organisation in relation to third parties in the region of assignment on the basis of directives conferred by the Director of Programmes.

Main responsibilities and tasks

Under the supervision of the Director of Programmes and referring to the region of assignment:

  • Design strategies, define territorial areas and sectors to be privileged, programming and planning of activities together with Regional Programme Support

In collaboration with the Regional Programme Support guarantee the implementation of the regional strategies and analyse the critical factors of contexts

  • Is responsible of the overall security in the geographic area of his competence and of the implementation of security protocols and policies
  • Is responsible of relations with donors, stakeholders, authorities and representatives of beneficiaries and collaborate with Head of Missions and project leaders in the management of these relations
  • Is responsible for the identification and elaboration of new project interventions:

○      direct and support Head of Missions and project leaders in designing, setting up and implementing new projects

○      in agreement with the Director of Programmes approves project proposals before the submission to donors

  • Follow up, in coordination with Regional Finance Coordinator, the approval process at HQ level of project proposals before submission to the donors. Link with Director of Programmes and Secretary General for the approval of projects that involve a high risk in accordance with the provisions of the risk analysis
  • Supervise implementation of projects (constraints and rules of the donors, consistency and technical-methodological congruity, quality of resources, effectiveness of results efficiency)
  • In collaboration with the Heads of Mission guarantee the application of INTERSOS and donors administrative procedures for the efficient and transparent management of projects, offices and countries of its competence
  • In collaboration with Human Resources department supervise management of Human Resources and atmosphere in the missions:

○      Collaborate to the recruitment of international Human Resources of the geographical area

○      Motivate, direct and support managers and teams encouraging cohesion and motivation

○      Promote orientation and training sessions for the operators of the region

○      Appraise the performance of Head of Missions and is responsible to discuss the evaluation (IRP) and the achievement of objectives. Support the Head of Missions in the evaluation process of the project leaders

  • Ensure the constant and timely sharing of information and regular communication inside the Program Department to facilitate the adjustment of actions referring to coordination, monitoring and control of the project activities

Required profile and experience


  • Advanced university degree in Human Sciences or International Relations

Professional Experience

  • Field working experience of at least five (5) years in managing humanitarian programmes with increasing responsibilities

Professional Requirements

  • Good knowledge of humanitarian architecture;
  • Knowledge of the humanitarian project cycle management;
  • Knowledge of the main humanitarian donors;
  • Strong computer literacy with a full knowledge of MSOffice
  • Knowledge of the main humanitarian donors, with particular reference to DG ECHO and UN ways of working


  • English & French are mandatory
  • Italian and Arabic a strong plus

Personal Requirements

  • Strategic vision, leadership, people management;
  • Culturally sensitive and able to understand and work in a very complex context;
  • Creative competency to set up new strategies, new projects, new tools;
  • Problem solving attitude;
  • Good team player with strong initiative;
  • Good interpersonal and communication skills;
  • Ability to adapt and work in difficult situations.


Interested candidates are invited to apply following the link below:

Please note that our application process is made of 3 quick steps: register (including your name, email, password, citizenship and Skype address), sign-up and apply attaching your CV and motivation letter in PDF format. Through the platform, candidates will be able to track their applications’ history with INTERSOS.            

In case you encounter severe difficulties applying through the platform, you can send an email attaching your CV and motivation letter (both in PDF version) via email to, with subject line: “Platform issue SR-00-1108 - Regional Director for Yemen, Afghanistan and Libya – HQ/Tunis”.

Please also mention the name, position and contact details of at least two references, including the line manager during your last job. Family members are to be excluded.

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for the first interview.

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : INTERSOS - Organizzazione Umanitaria Onlus
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : HQ Rome (50%) with field missions (50%) /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Coordination
Date de publication : 06/11/2019
Date limite : 21/11/2019


Required profile and experience


●        Economics, Finance or other related degrees

Professional Experience

●        Relevant experience on finance project management with INGOs and/or International organizations

Professional Requirements

●        Sound accounting knowledge

●        Experience on the use of accounting software is appreciated

●        Good command of excel


●        French and English languages necessary

●        Italian language is appreciated but not necessary

Personal Requirements

●        Coordination skills

●        Respect for deadlines

●        Attitude to capacity building


INTERSOS is an independent humanitarian organization that assists the victims of natural disasters, armed conflicts and exclusion. Its activities are based on the principles of solidarity, justice, human dignity, equality of rights and opportunities, respect for diversity and coexistence, paying special attention to the most vulnerable people.

Terms of reference

Job Title: Regional Finance Controller Western Africa

Code: SR-00-1129

Duty station: HQ Rome (50%) with field missions (50%)

Starting date: 02/12/2019            

Contract duration: 12 months

Reporting to: Regional Finance Coordinator - Western Africa

Supervision of: Country Finance Coordinators of the assigned Region

Dependents: n/a

 General context of the project

In recent years INTERSOS, the largest Italian humanitarian organization, has faced significant changes in terms of risen challenges, adopted structure, contexts to work. In this framework the Finance Department must redefine itself to effectively respond to the new demanding issues and assure the control over specific strategic processes, in order to guarantee the overall organization and its sustainability.

General purpose of the position

In the framework of the Strategic Plan (2018-2020), the Finance Department has identified a new role, the Regional Finance Controller, that will be assigned one for each Region, and in support of the Regional Finance Coordinator s/he will be responsible for the quality of the accounting data. S/he will liaise with the Country Finance Coordinators aimed at verifying and validating their output. Among his/her main tasks, the verification of regional accounting data, the consistency and correctness of donor reporting and other relevant operational tasks.

Main responsibilities and tasks

1. Accounting

  • Review and check Journal workbook of each Mission of the Region;
  • Ensure accuracy of Regional accounting;
  • Review country office receivables balances to ensure appropriate and timely followup;
  • Ensure that senior management is aware of financial, accounting and administrative issues that may impact country offices' performance;
  • Upload on cloud Drive of the Mission the monthly verified accounting.

2. Donor Reporting

  • Review financial reports prior to submission to the donors;
  • Review financial part of the amendments/budget revisions;
  • Review and finalize closeouts for grants.

3. Operational tasks

  • Move to the Country office for technical induction of new deployed Country Finance Coordinators;
  • Temporary replace (max 30 days) the vacant position of Country Finance Coordinators of the assigned Region in case of unavailability of Roving Finance officers.

Required profile and experience


  • Economics, Finance or other related degrees

Professional Experience

  • Relevant experience on finance project management with INGOs and/or International organizations

Professional Requirements

  • Sound accounting knowledge
  • Experience on the use of accounting software is appreciated
  • Good command of excel


  • French and English languages necessary
  • Italian language is appreciated but not necessary

Personal Requirements

  • Coordination skills
  • Respect for deadlines
  • Attitude to capacity building


Interested candidates are invited to apply following the link below:

Please note that our application process is made of 3 quick steps: register (including your name, email, password, citizenship and Skype address), sign-up and apply attaching your CV and motivation letter in PDF format. Through the platform, candidates will be able to track their applications’ history with INTERSOS.             

In case you encounter severe difficulties applying through the platform, you can send an email attaching your CV and motivation letter (both in PDF version) via email to, with subject line: “Platform issue SR-00-1129 - Regional Finance Controller Western Africa - HQ / Field”.

Please also mention the name, position and contact details of at least two references, including the line manager during your last job. Family members are to be excluded.

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for the first interview.
