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Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : INTERSOS - Organizzazione Umanitaria Onlus
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Roma /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Ressources humaines
Date de publication : 21/08/2023
Date limite : 30/08/2023



Titolo di studio

  • Laurea in discipline economico-amministrative/gestione del personale
  • Studi post-laurea in gestione delle risorse umane verranno considerati un plus


Esperienza professionale

  • Esperienza di 2 anni in ruoli simili
  • Esperienza in NGO ed enti del non - profit sarà considerata un valore aggiunto


Requisiti professionali

  • Buona padronanza del pacchetto Office
  • Conoscenza dell’amministrazione del personale verrà considerata un plus


  • Ottima conoscenza della lingua italiana
  • Buona conoscenza della lingua inglese, parlata e scritta


Requisiti personali


  • Comunicazione efficace
  • Problem solving
  • Capacità di gestire diversi dossier in contemporanea
  • Capacità di pianificazione e organizzazione
  • Ottime capacità interpersonali
  • Spiccato interesse e motivazione per il settore Non Profit


INTERSOS è un’organizzazione umanitaria senza fini di lucro, che opera a favore delle popolazioni in pericolo, vittime di calamità naturali e di conflitti armati. INTERSOS basa la sua azione sui valori della solidarietà, della giustizia, della dignità della persona, dell'uguaglianza dei diritti e delle opportunità per tutti i popoli, del rispetto delle diversità, della convivenza, dell'attenzione ai più deboli e indifesi.


Termini di riferimento

Posizione: HR Officer

Codice: SR-01-8391

Paese: Italia 

Città: Roma, con possibili viaggi sul territorio italiano

Data d’inizio:04/09/2023

Durata: 12 mesi

Supervisione di: HoM

Supervisore: ///

Dipendenti: Non-family duty station



In Italia, INTERSOS garantisce assistenza alle fasce di popolazione più marginalizzata, attraverso interventi sociosanitari, protezione delle persone vulnerabili, tutela dell’infanzia e istruzione. Minori stranieri non accompagnati (MSNA), giovani adulti non più titolari della protezione umanitaria, sopravvissute e sopravvissuti alla tratta di esseri umani e alla violenza di genere sono il target delle nostre attività.


Attualmente la missione ha progetti attivi a Torino, Roma, Bologna, Foggia e Sicilia.

Obiettivo della posizione

L'HR Officer lavorerà all'interno della missione Italia. È responsabile dell'implementazione delle politiche e delle procedure delle Risorse Umane e della corretta gestione amministrativa dei collaboratori secondo le procedure di INTERSOS, al fine di garantire la conformità legale alle leggi locali.

Responsabilità e compiti

Politiche, procedure e relazioni sulle risorse umane

  • Guida e supporto ai manager e al personale sulle politiche e le procedure riguardanti la risorse umane e monitorare l’applicazione dei regolamenti in linea con le policy INTERSOS e diritto del lavoro italiano;
  • Garantire il processo di onboarding per il personale (documenti, induction, creazione email e assegnazione assets, ecc.)
  • Coordinarsi con HR Admin in HQ per garantire che tutte le tipologie di contratti siano conformi alle politiche INTERSOS, alle leggi nazionali e ai requisiti dei donatori.

Gestione del personale

  • Garantire l’implementazione di processi standard di risorse umane e fornire supporto ai line manager e all’SMT sulla gestione del personale.
  • Guida e supporto ai manager sulle politiche e le procedure delle risorse umane monitorando l’attuazione delle norme in linea con il diritto del lavoro e le politiche standard INTERSOS.
  • In caso di misure disciplinari, coordinamento con il Direttore delle Risorse Umane in HQ e applicazione di eventuali step;
  • Supporto ai line manager nel processo di performance management (IRP) e garantire che tutti i collaboratori ricevano una valutazione regolare;
  • In concomitanza dei rinnovi contrattuali di fine anno/una volta l’anno si occupa di fare debriefing con lo staff di missione.
  • Monitorare e promuovere iniziative Duty of Care per i collaboratori e per il loro benessere.
  • Sostenere la creazione e il mantenimento di un ambiente di lavoro positivo.
  • Garantire che tutto il personale sia adeguatamente informato e/o inserito nei sistemi appositi
  • Assistere i manager per la pianificazione del piano recuperi annuali e garantire un monitoraggio regolare dei residui
  • Tenere traccia dei corsi di formazione organizzati a livello di missione, in coordinamento con PDC al quartier generale.
  • Supporto al capo della missione (HoM) nella revisione della struttura della missione (aggiornamento organigramma)

Gestione dei volontari

  • Assicurare che i volontari siano gestiti secondo i principi e i valori di INTERSOS e conformemente alla legge italiana
  • E’ responsabile della gestione amministrativa dei volontari (contratti, assicurazioni,
  • documentazione e formazione obbligatorie).

Processo di reclutamento

  • Si ha la responsabilità di condurre un processo di reclutamento equo e trasparente
  • secondo la Recruitment Policy;
  • Promuovere e pubblicizzare le opportunità di lavoro attraverso il canale di reclutamento più adatto.
  • Lavorare a stretto contatto il Coordinatore Medico per ampliare i canali di reclutamento e per trovare fonti alternative, in particolare nel reclutamento del personale sanitario (es. università).
  • Collabora con l’hiring manager per prendere decisioni sul miglior candidato alla fine dei processi di selezione
  • Si occupa del controllo delle referenze e dei background check per i candidati individuati

Amministrazione del personale

  • Condividere l'offerta economica con i candidati selezionati e il personale (in caso di rinnovo) coordinandosi HR HQ, si assicura che l’offerta economica sia in linea con le norme INTERSOS e la griglia salariale della missione.
  • Monitoraggio delle scadenze contrattuali e di processo inerenti alla Gestione Amministrativa del personale
  • Ricezione, verifica e archiviazione delle ricevute e delle notule per i contratti autonomi, ai fini anche dell’elaborazione delle CU annuali;
  • Inserire i dati e i documenti dei collaboratori nel e si assicura che siano sempre aggiornati e archiviati correttamente per facilitare la gestione dei processi HR.
  • Si assicura che tutte le informazioni amministrative siano disposizione del personale
  • Quando necessario, partecipa e supporta durante i processi di audit in coordinamento con Finance, HoM e HQ.

Accountability and safeguarding

  • Monitorare che la gestione delle risorse umane sia in linea con PSEA, politiche CP, conflitto di Interessi e regolamento interno.
  • In coordinamento con HR Admin HQ, supporta l’organizzazione e la pianificazione di visite mediche e corsi sulla sicurezza sul lavoro obbligatori secondo la normativa nazional



I candidati interessati sono invitati a presentare la loro candidatura attraverso il seguente link


Si noti che il nostro sistema di candidatura è composto da 3 semplici step! I candidati devono registrarsi alla nostra piattaforma includendo il loro nome, email, password, cittadinanza e indirizzo Skype. Poi, accedere e candidarsi inviando il proprio CV e lettera motivazionale in formato PDF


Solamente i candidati selezionati saranno contattati per un colloquio.


Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : INTERSOS - Organizzazione Umanitaria Onlus
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Rome /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Entretien/logisitique
Date de publication : 21/07/2023
Date limite : 11/08/2023


Required profile and experience


  • Degree in Business Administration, Industrial Engineering or Supply-Chain & Logistics Management.
  • Advanced studies in Humanitarian Logistics, Procurement and/or Operations management are considered distinctive factors.

Professional Experience

  • 5 years or more experience in logistics management and coordination in the NGO sector, within complex/large scale country programmes and in emergency response/humanitarian environments .
  • International experience in supply chain management in an emergency environment including procurement, transport and distribution, warehouse, and stock management
  • Proven experience in all technical areas of logistics operations including procurement, transport/distribution, warehousing and stock management, fleet management, asset management, medical logistics, communications, and security.
  • Experience of working in remote field bases with limited infrastructure.
  • Experience working with large institutional donors and knowledge of their rules and regulations.​

Professional Requirements

  • Strong organizational and problem-solving skills with an analytic approach.
  • Ability to work in a participatory manner with colleagues to assess needs, implement and monitor supply activities.
  • Ability to synthesize and analyze information, and make clear, informed decisions
  • Ability to build relationships quickly with a wide range of people, both internally and externally
  • Strong planning, management and coordination skills, with the ability to organise a substantial workload comprised of complex, diverse tasks and responsibilities
  • Experience in development and implementation of efficient logistics systems, procedures and guidelines.
  • Excellent written and spoken communication and interpersonal skills
  • Cross-cultural experience, understanding and sensitivity
  • Knowledge of using / Implementation of Software / ERP.
  • Willingness and ability to travel extensively within the region.
  • Substantial training and capacity building experience.​


  • Proficient in English and Spanish.
  • French and Arabic are considered an asset.


INTERSOS is an independent humanitarian organization that assists the victims of natural disasters, armed conflicts and exclusion. Its activities are based on the principles of solidarity, justice, human dignity, equality of rights and opportunities, respect for diversity and coexistence, paying special attention to the most vulnerable people.

Terms of reference

Job Title: Regional Logistics and Supply Coordinator

Code: 00-7334

Duty station: Regional Office for Emergency (Rome, Italy) with up to 50% field missions

Starting date: 01/09/2023

Contract duration: 12 months renewable

Reporting to: Filipe Louraco Costa - Director of Logistics

Supervision of: Functional Supervisor - Country Logistics and Supply Coordinators/Managers

Dependents: non-family duty station

General context of the project

INTERSOS is a humanitarian organisation founded in 1992, working on the frontlines of crisis situations. In its countries of operation, INTERSOS intervenes to assist the most vulnerable populations affected by conflicts, extreme poverty, natural and manmade disasters in challenging and hard-to-reach areas, where the humanitarian needs continue to be the greatest and where the humanitarian presence is often weak. In such contexts, INTERSOS focuses on providing forcibly displaced populations and host communities with life-saving humanitarian assistance, in the areas of Protection, Health & Nutrition, as well as WASH and Shelter.

INTERSOS operations are guided by its Charter of Values and by the humanitarian principles of humanity, neutrality, impartiality, and independence. Every intervention is characterized by the centrality of the human being, the principle from which INTERSOS values descend. Specifically, INTERSOS is borderless, impartial, independent, sensitive to local cultures, attentive to local capacity, professional in solidarity, and transparent. INTERSOS also adheres to the Code of Conduct for the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and NGOs in Disaster Relief.

Managing effectively an agile Supply-Chain and resilient Logistics Operations guarantees that our missions are well equipped to deliver the required assistance and that all goods and services meet the highest quality specifications.

We are currently looking for a motivated and solution-orientated Regional Logistics and Supply Coordinator to join the INTERSOS Logistics and Supply Department where it will be involved with the daily Supply-Chain and Logistics Operations management of missions across the region.​

General purpose of the position

Based in Rome, and under the supervision of the Director of Logistics, the Regional Logistics and Supply Coordinator will oversee and support INTERSOS’s Supply Chain and Logistics Operations in collaboration with the Regional Office and the Country Logistics Departments, and in line with INTERSOS’s humanitarian response programmes.

The Emergency RLSC will cover the following countries: Moldova, Ukraine, Iran, Afghanistan, Venezuela and Colombia. He/she will also provide close support to Italy and Greece missions.

Main responsibilities and tasks

​Coordination and support


  • ​Collaborate with the Headquarters Logistics Department to improve Supply Chain and Logistics operational systems and ensure standard operation policies and procedures are adhered to. Support initiatives and special projects implementation.
  • Participate in the definition of a Global Supply Chain and Logistics Operations Annual Action Plan (AAP) and Preparedness Plan and the necessary KPI’s to monitor implementation.
  • Propose collaborative approaches to humanitarian - private partnerships on the field of Logistics and Supply Chain Management.
  • Liaise with the Global Supply Office to plan sourcing and procurement strategies for the region missions.
  • Collaborate with the ICT Coordinator to ensure ICT development needs of missions and regions are translated into the HQ Logistics Department AAP.
  • Collaborate with the HQ Logistics Department and HR Department to develop new training materials.


  • ​Collaborate with Regional Office to ensure that Supply Chain and Logistics Operations procedures are well understood and enforced in a coordinated manner at regional level and to present a consolidated approach and teamwork for mission support and management.
  • Review project proposals Supply Chain and Logistics Operations components and actively contribute to all Project Cycle Management phases, meetings, and strategic exercises, by sharing information on assessments and proposed interventions, providing overview and inputs of Supply Chain and Logistics Operations requirements for the development of project proposals and subsequent projects.
  • Participate in the definition of a Supply Chain and Logistics Operations Annual Action Plan (AAP) for the region and the necessary KPI’s to monitor implementation.
  • Be available for immediate deployment to assist missions Senior Management Teams or the RO for Emergency to mount rapid and effective emergency response operations.
  • Facilitate communication and cross learning for all Regional staff.
  • Engage in regional forums such as the Logistics Cluster, or any other institutional collaboration mechanism to advocate INTERSOS logistics needs and contribute to coordinated approaches with other relevant humanitarian stakeholders.​


  • ​Provide support and guidance to all Country Offices in designated regions including oversight of all Supply Chain and Logistics Operations functions in line with INTERSOS and donor policies and regulations.
  • Work with the Heads of Mission and Senior Management Teams to improve Supply Chain and Logistics operational systems and ensure standard operation policies and procedures are adhered to. Participate in the definition of a Supply Chain and Logistics Operations Annual Action Plan (AAP) for the missio and the necessary KPI’s to monitor implementation.
  • Provide hands-on contributions to in-country personnel on all SC & LO matters when mobilizing and implementing new projects or closing out.​

Logistics Information Management

  • Ensure that data reported in INTERSOS Logistics software (Intersos Management Platform - IMP) is correctly used and accurate. Provide training to missions if required.
  • Elaborate a quarterly Supply-Chain and Logistics Operation report for the region of operation and submit it to the Headquarters Logistics Department.
  • Work with the Mission Logistics Departments to ensure the monthly reporting schedule is in place. Provide review, analysis and feedback to each mission resulting in actionable improvements in the execution of functions.
  • Monitor the defined yearly Key Performance Indicators.​

IT Infrastructure and Communications

  • ​Ensure that missions have an appropriate IT and Communications infrastructure and equipment to sustain INTERSOS software platforms and in line with policies and procedures. Draft Regional and Mission asset acquisition plans.
  • Support the implementation of INTERSOS Logistics software in missions.

Supply-Chain Management and Procurement

  • Support Region and Missions to plan procurement activities and ensure that all project procurement plans are created and uploaded on IMP before project starting dates by liaising with Country Logistics Coordinator and Project Managers. Improved usage of procurement plan (consolidation of plans with transversal Framework Agreements and centralised international sourcing) and through procurement planning build supply/sourcing strategy for each mission.
  • Monitoring overall procurement performance for Region and Mission. Ensuring effective and cost efficient procurement planning and execution while guaranteeing INTERSOS and donor procurement policies and procedures is known and being adhered to at all times.
  • Ensure that all missions have an updated pre-qualified supplier list and support on the organisation of Local Market Assessments to ascertain that INTERSOS suppliers represent best value for money and lead-times while being compliant with INTERSOS contracting procedures.
  • Plan and collaborate with the Global Supply Office and HQ Medical Unit on International Procurement processes. Follow up on the payment to suppliers in coordination with Regional Finance Coordinators and the GSO.
  • Review and/or approve (checking for accuracy & compliance) all high level procurements, framework agreements, leases and other large value, high risk financial commitments. Review Regional and Mission ongoing contract execution and propose improvements.
  • Work with the Headquarters Logistics Department and Internal auditor to address key risks, audit findings and complaints on procurement and propose mitigation measures.

Assets and Inventory management

  • Assess and support mission warehouse management; ensure systems and reporting are in place for the effective storage and distribution of all program stocks. Support in the trial and rollout of INTERSOS inventory management system.
  • Assess and support in country mission asset management; ensuring that all mission assets registered in IMP are documented, issued with unique INTERSOS asset numbers, tagged and logged according to asset management policies and procedures.
  • Responsible for the inventory and assets management for the Region and ensuring that missions perform quarterly assets and inventory counts.

Transportation management

  • Assess and support country mission fleet management; ensure appropriate allocation and safe use is achieved throughout the servicing of programs and staff; rental service agreements and contracting is done in alignment with INTERSOS procurement standards and fuel and maintenance systems are in place.
  • Ensure that INTERSOS Fleet Management model, movement security protocols and Brand Identity Manual is applied in missions.
  • Contribute to the development of sustainable approaches to transportation management by streamlining INTERSOS environmental policy.

Facilities management

  • Assess and support country mission facility management - Offices, Bases, Guesthouses and Warehouses ensuring that rental agreements and contracting is done in alignment with INTERSOS procurement standards and that facilities are in line with INTERSOS guidelines on work, living and security conditions.
  • Identify gaps and propose improvement plans in coordination with the Country Logistics Department and Head of Mission.
  • Contribute to the development of sustainable approaches to facility management by streamlining INTERSOS environmental policy.

Human Resources management

  • Support the HQ Human Resources department on the recruitment of Country Logistics Coordinators/Managers by reviewing technical tests and conducting technical interviews to the candidates. Support the management of the Logistics rooster and pool.
  • Provide induction to new senior Logistics staff providing, as needed, inductions, refresher training and capacity building training to staff in all standard Supply Chain and Logistics Operations IT Tools and SOP. Provide training to program and other support staff on critical SC and LO policies & procedures.
  • In collaboration with the Head of Mission, perform and manage the Internal Review Process (IRP) of the Country Logistics Coordinators/Managers.
  • Organize weekly operations meetings with the Country Logistics Coordinator/Manager and monthly Country Logistics Meetings.
  • Provide regular review and assessment of staffing structures and functions in the Missions with the aim to strengthen overall efficiency and accountability.
  • Perform annual assessments of Mission’s Logistics Department and determine in collaboration with HQ HR Department, HoM and SMT the ideal staffing structure with a plan to support transition (staffing and funding) to an ideal structure over the course of the year.

Applied Security

  • Provide support to the Security Manager as a focal point for communication and information flow.
  • Facilitating the implementation of the INTERSOS security guidance, taking part in security briefings and / or training to be imparted to national and international staff, monitoring their enforcement, other to be defined in collaboration with the Head of Mission and HQ Senior Security Advisor.


Interested candidates are invited to apply following the link below:

Please note that our application process is made of 3 quick steps: register (including your name, email, password and citizenship), sign-up and apply by attaching your CV in PDF format. Through the platform, candidates will be able to track their applications’ history with INTERSOS. 

Please also mention the name, position and contact details of at least three references: two line managers and one HR referent. Family members are to be excluded.

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for the first interview.


Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : INTERSOS - Organizzazione Umanitaria Onlus
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Roma /
Type d'emploi : Stage
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Ressources humaines
Date de publication : 21/07/2023
Date limite : 18/08/2023


Required profile and experience


  • Degree in humanities, especially in HR, strongly desirable. If no degree, a strong interest in HR and recruitment will do.

Professional Experience

Previous volunteering experience / desire to work in a humanitarian organizations are assets.

Professional Requirements

• Proactive and problem-solving attitudes strongly required;

• Openness and good communication skills.


  • EN/FR/ES, in this order of importance.

Personal Requirements

  • Flexibility
  • Diplomacy and emotional intelligence;
  • Strong motivation for the humanitarian cause and sharing of INTERSOS Mission


INTERSOS is an independent humanitarian organization that assists the victims of natural disasters, armed conflicts and exclusion. Its activities are based on the principles of solidarity, justice, human dignity, equality of rights and opportunities, respect for diversity and coexistence, paying special attention to the most vulnerable people.

Terms of reference

Job Title: Recruitment Intern

Code: SR-00-8620

Duty station: At least two days per week in HQ, Rome + remote working for the rest of the week

Starting date: 04/09/2023

Contract duration: 6 months

Reporting to: Recruitment Coordinator

Supervision of:// 

Dependents: Non-family duty station

General context of the project

The Recruitment team works within the HR Department.

It takes care of the selection and recruitment of INTERSOS international staff and interns in a timely manner and paying attention to quality of candidates and their suitability to the positions in terms of competencies, adaptability to context, and technical skills.

General purpose of the position

At the end of the Friendship experience, the Recruitment Friend will have learnt the different stages of a selection process (HR needs’ assessment, candidates’ requirements and different profiles, vacancy publication; screening, competencies’ assessment, technical assessment, choice of the suitable candidate; communication with rejected candidates and capitalization of selection process via roster). He/she/they should have gained a basic understanding of the profiles, specificities and challenges of international recruitment in a humanitarian organization.

Main responsibilities and tasks

• Follow-up candidati/IMP/programmazione agende recruiter

• Seniority

• Publication of vacancies

• References check + anti-terrorism + misconduct

• Rejection and roster

• Weekly status


Interested candidates are invited to apply following the link below:

Please note that our application process is made of 3 quick steps: register (including your name, email, password and citizenship), sign-up and apply by attaching your CV in PDF format. Through the platform, candidates will be able to track their applications’ history with INTERSOS. 

Please also mention the name, position and contact details of at least three references: two line managers and one HR referent. Family members are to be excluded.

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for the first interview.


Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : INTERSOS - Organizzazione Umanitaria Onlus
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Roma /
Type d'emploi : Stage
Type de contrat : Temps partiel
Fonction : Autre
Date de publication : 21/07/2023
Date limite : 11/08/2023


Required profile and experience


  • Degree in International Cooperation/ Gender / Protection studies

Professional Experience

  • A previous stage or voluntarism experience will be positively evaluated

Professional Requirements

  • Good analysis skills and capacity to design complex texts


  • Excellent writing skills in English and French (mandatory).
  • Knowledge of Spanish and/or Arabic will be positively evaluated

Personal Requirements

  • Strong motivation for humanitarian causes and sharing of INTERSOS mission and vision



Protection Unit Intern- HQ


INTERSOS is an independent humanitarian organization that assists the victims of natural disasters, armed conflicts and exclusion. Its activities are based on the principles of solidarity, justice, human dignity, equality of rights and opportunities, respect for diversity and coexistence, paying special attention to the most vulnerable people.


Terms of reference

Job Title: Protection Unit Intern

Code: SR-00-8162

Duty station: 3 months in remote + 3 months Field

Starting date: 01/09/2023 

Contract duration: 6 months 

Reporting to: Protection Advisers

Supervision of: n/a

Dependents: Non-family duty station

General context of the project

INTERSOS is an International Humanitarian Organisation with its HQ in Rome, branch offices in Tunis, Nairobi, and Amman, and representation offices in Geneva and Dakar. INTERSOS is operational in 23 countries with over 3,000 national and international staff worldwide.


Within INTERSOS's organizational structure, the Protection Unit ensures programmatic and technical support to INTERSOS’s programmes and initiatives for the protection of vulnerable persons who are at particular risk of violence or abuse, including children and women. To this end, the Protection Advisers are the key technical focal points to provide appropriate and timely technical guidance to multiple country programmes including emergency response, project proposal design and development, reviewing reports, and developing strategies to mainstream protection and gender.

General purpose of the position

At the end of the internship, the candidate will be able to acquire a good understanding of the internal functioning of a humanitarian organization.

The candidate will gain a strong understanding of the different aspects of Protection interventions and it will support further their exposure and interest in Protection.

Main responsibilities and tasks

The selected person will support the Protection unit in the following tasks:

- Support the unit with the completion of the IMP reporting set-up and in the collection and analysis of information from the Monthly Protection Reports and producing consolidated reports.

- Contribute to the harmonization of internal protection tools by creating a common structure for the Protection toolbox and marking out key tools and resources for all activities and resources for the HQ folder (Protection portal).

- Support for the update of the Protection Portal and keep the internal protection community up to date with relevant communication;

- Assist the Protection Advisors in organizing monthly meetings, learning & sharing events (administrative support, coordination, preparation of meetings, minutes, translations, etc.);

- Support the Unit in analyzing the Protection team structure in missions and in working on a new organogram

- Support the Unit in coordinating with the Missions for research and analysis purposes

Field Missions

- The intern will have a field placement of 3 months giving her/him an opportunity to learn on the job in the field, where will be guided by a Protection Specialist or Protection Coordinator in the mission in coordination with the Protection Advisers.


Interested candidates are invited to apply following the link below:

Please note that our application process is made of 3 quick steps: register (including your name, email, password and citizenship), sign-up and apply by attaching your CV in PDF format. Through the platform, candidates will be able to track their applications’ history with INTERSOS. 

Please also mention the name, position and contact details of at least three references: two line managers and one HR referent. Family members are to be excluded.

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for the first interview.


Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : INTERSOS - Organizzazione Umanitaria Onlus
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Roma /
Type d'emploi : Stage
Type de contrat : Temps partiel
Fonction : Autre
Date de publication : 18/07/2023
Date limite : 11/08/2023


Required profile and experience


Master degree in Economics, Political Sciences, International Cooperation and Development, other (related to Humanitarian Aid) subjects

Professional Experience

0.5 years in developing / humanitarian aid institutions / NGOs / programmes;

Professional Requirements



  • Italian and English: compulsory; French and/or Arabic are considered an asset;

Personal Requirements



INTERSOS is an independent humanitarian organization that assists the victims of natural disasters, armed conflicts and exclusion. Its activities are based on the principles of solidarity, justice, human dignity, equality of rights and opportunities, respect for diversity and coexistence, paying special attention to the most vulnerable people.

Terms of reference

Job Title: Middle East Region Intern

Code: SR-00-8334

Duty station: 3 months remote + 3 months Field (Middle East Region)

Starting date: 17/08/2023

Contract duration: 6 months

Reporting to: Regional Grant and Reporting Officer

Supervision of://

Dependents: Non-family duty station

General context of the project

The person will support the HQ Regional teams in the supervision of the activities put in place in the Middle East countries (Iraq, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, Yemen)

General purpose of the position

  • Better understanding of Intersos way of working, in terms of internal procedures, methodologies, policies, others;
  • Better understanding of humanitarian aid mechanisms;;
  • Enhanced capacities in developing and monitoring humanitarian interventions, with a specific focus on main INTERSOS donors (ECHO, UNHCR, OCHA Pool Fund, AICS, BPRM;
  • Enhanced understanding of Middle East humanitarian panorama (main actors, donors, approaches and methodologies)
  • Hand-on experience in implementing humanitarian interventions (through field experience)


Main responsibilities and tasks

Supporting Regional Grant and Reporting Officer and Deputy Regional Directors in:

  • Gathering information / going through programme docs, in order to collect and systematize data in INTERSOS Management Platform (agreements, reports, Project Appraisal Tool, locations, beneficiaries, etc.)
  • Systematize the drive folders at regional level and support mission in systematise drive folders
  • Support proposal development process carrying out desk reviews and donors’ priorities analysis, compiling annexes for proposal package, etc.
  • Support revision of project reports, internal (PAT) and external (donor) as needed
  • Produce internal documents (operation reviews for annual report, country analyses, other), to be shared within the Programmes Dept or with other Depts;
  • Support missions related dashboards developments and follow up
  • Carry out translation when needed (English to Italian and Italian to English)
  • Implement any other activity, according to work plans developed by Regional Grants and Reporting Officer on a monthly / quarterly basis



Interested candidates are invited to apply following the link below:

Please note that our application process is made of 3 quick steps: register (including your name, email, password and citizenship), sign-up and apply by attaching your CV in PDF format. Through the platform, candidates will be able to track their applications’ history with INTERSOS. 

Please also mention the name, position and contact details of at least three references: two line managers and one HR referent. Family members are to be excluded.

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for the first interview.


Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : INTERSOS - Organizzazione Umanitaria Onlus
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Roma /
Type d'emploi : Stage
Type de contrat : Temps partiel
Fonction : Entretien/logisitique
Date de publication : 18/07/2023
Date limite : 11/08/2023


Required profile and experience


BsC or Master in Humanitarian Logistics

Professional Experience

No previous professional experience required.

Professional Requirements

  • Strong organizational and problem-solving skills with an analytic approach.
  • Proficiency with MS Word and Excel.


  • Fully proficient in written and spoken French and English
  • Arabic is considered an asset

Personal Requirements

  • Capacity to work in a multicultural context
  • Capacity to live with minimum comfort settings and to work in insecure settings


INTERSOS is an independent humanitarian organization that assists the victims of natural disasters, armed conflicts and exclusion. Its activities are based on the principles of solidarity, justice, human dignity, equality of rights and opportunities, respect for diversity and coexistence, paying special attention to the most vulnerable people.

Terms of reference

Job Title: Logistics and Supply Intern

Code: 00-7434

Duty station: HQ (3 months) + Field – duty station to be defined (3 months)

Starting date: 17/08/2023

Contract duration: 6 months 

Reporting to: HQ Logistics Officer + Country Logistics Coordinator

Dependents: non-family duty station

General context of the project

INTERSOS is a humanitarian organization that works all over the world bringing assistance to people in danger of being victims of natural disasters and armed conflicts. It provides first aid, food, shelter, medical assistance and basic goods. It ensures that basic needs, as education, clean water and health, are met.

The internship will take place 3 months in INTERSOS HQ in Rome and 3 months in an INTERSOS mission.

General purpose of the position

The intern will be trained in the main logistics tasks performed in INTERSOS both at Global, Regional and Mission level with the focus on procurement and order management, warehouse and transportation management, general logistics, and basic IT tasks.

At the end of the 6 months, the intern will have a general understanding of the humanitarian logistics systems present in INTERSOS and their essential role in supporting the implementation of the humanitarian response projects and guaranteeing transparency and accountability to the beneficiaries and donors.

Main responsibilities and tasks

3 months HQ

The intern will be part of the HQ Logistics department activities and it will support it in the following tasks:

● Support the Logistics Officer, the Head of Logistics Unit and Regional Logistics Coordinators in day-to-day activities

● Support the Global Supply Officer on International Procurement and Transportation

● Support on the management of INTERSOS Logistics and Supply Portal and Logistics Information Management Platforms (Intersos Management Platform)

● Liaise with the remaining INTERSOS departments - Programs, Human Resources, Finance, Communications and Fundraising when requested.

● Execute any other task requested by the Head of Logistics Unit.

3 months INTERSOS field mission

The intern will be deployed in one of INTERSOS missions and participate in the Country Logistics Department activities and it will work under the supervision of the Country Logistics Coordinator supporting him/her on the following tasks:

Supply and Procurement

● Support on procurement process and order management

● Support on vendor management (pre-qualification process)

● Support for the preparation procurement dossiers (tenders)

● Support on national shipments and importation processes

● Support on warehouse management and registry of stock movements (assets and goods)

● Execute periodic stock counts to goods and assets stored in the field warehouses


● Support on the management of the physical infrastructure (offices, warehouses and guesthouses)

● Support on IT Information Technology and communications

● Support in mission fleet management and fuel consumption monitoring

● Support in preventive maintenance planning

● Support in Logistics periodic reporting


● Execute any other logistics tasks as requested by the Country Logistics Coordinator and/or the Head of Mission/Program staff.


Interested candidates are invited to apply following the link below:

Please note that our application process is made of 3 quick steps: register (including your name, email, password and citizenship), sign-up and apply by attaching your CV in PDF format. Through the platform, candidates will be able to track their applications’ history with INTERSOS. 

Please also mention the name, position and contact details of at least three references: two line managers and one HR referent. Family members are to be excluded.

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for the first interview.


Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : INTERSOS - Organizzazione Umanitaria Onlus
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Roma /
Type d'emploi : Stage
Type de contrat : Temps partiel
Fonction : Santé
Date de publication : 11/08/2023
Date limite : 11/08/2023


Required profile and experience


Medical degree, bachelor’s degree in nursing, if possible master degree in global health or related courses

Professional Experience

Experience, including volunteer work, with NGOs or in developing countries.

Professional Requirements

  • Strong interest in beginning a career within the humanitarian sector
  • Good IT skills
  • Good analysis skills
  • Good writing skills


  • English: mandatory with good written and spoken comprehension.
  • French and Spanish: knowledge of one or both of these languages is an added value

Personal Requirements

  • Enthusiasm, flexibility and strong learning attitude
  • Strong motivation and adherence with humanitarian principles and INTERSOS mandate and values


INTERSOS is an independent humanitarian organization that assists the victims of natural disasters, armed conflicts and exclusion. Its activities are based on the principles of solidarity, justice, human dignity, equality of rights and opportunities, respect for diversity and coexistence, paying special attention to the most vulnerable people.


Terms of reference

Job Title: Medical Unit Intern

Code: 00-7433

Duty station: 2 months HQ Rome or remotely + 4 months INTERSOS field mission

Starting date: 17/08/2023

Contract duration: 6 months 

Reporting to: Head of the Medical Unit

Dependents: non-family duty station

General context of the project

The Medical Unit provide technical and analytical support to the program department and INTERSOS missions on:

1. Developing country/regional medical strategies

2. Approve/validate the technical component of all project proposals containing health and nutrition components.

3. Approve/validate the technical component of all key reports for donors containing health and nutrition component.

4. Ensure the implementation of standard and/or national protocols

5. Supervise the start-up, progress and quality of medical activities with regular visits and contacts with on-site technical staff

6. Develop SOP and tools in order to standardize and facilitate field technical work and improve supervision and analysis

7. Representing INTERSOS at the international H&N fora

8. Participate in the recruitment process of medical expat personnel and the evaluation/development of expat/national staff

9. Provide technical support to other department

and other dossier


General purpose of the position

The mentoring aims to:

1. Familiarize with the dynamics of the medical unit and operational documents

2. Provide an understanding of the project cycle

3. Improve analytical skills on medical-humanitarian challenges

4. Ameliorate the understanding on health and nutritional issues and challenges in different contexts

Main responsibilities and tasks

• support to medical coordinators in compiling sitrep and data collection

• support of medical coordinators in the use of new data collection platform

• Support on the integration and implementation of the INTERSOS medical SoPs and support in the development of the new ones (WASH, mental health, cash for health, community health etc)

• participation in sector meetings at the request of the supervisor

• support in other possible dossiers assigned by the supervisor


Interested candidates are invited to apply following the link below:

Please note that our application process is made of 3 quick steps: register (including your name, email, password and citizenship), sign-up and apply by attaching your CV in PDF format. Through the platform, candidates will be able to track their applications’ history with INTERSOS. 

Please also mention the name, position and contact details of at least three references: two line managers and one HR referent. Family members are to be excluded.

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for the first interview.


Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Médecins Sans Frontières - Artsen Zonder Grenzen
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Rome /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Ressources humaines
Date de publication : 18/10/2022
Date limite : 24/10/2022


Profile and qualifications


Preferred degree in HR Management, Business Administration and legal related studies


Essential MSF or other NGO working experience

Essential previous experience of at least 5 years in a relevant and similar position


Desirable fluency in Italian (C1/B2)

Essential fluency in English (C1).

Knowledge of French is an asset



Desirable: knowledge of employment law and administrative practices in Italy


  • Strategic vision
  • Leadership
  • People Management and development
  • Planning and organizing
  • Teamwork and cooperation
  • Stress management



MSF Italy is looking for an Operations HR Coordinator

Deadline for application: 24 Oct 2022 - Desired starting date: 01 Nov 2022


In 2020 MSF Operational Center Brussels has handed over the responsibility for the implementation of their Operations in Italy to MSF Italy. To handle the new projects, MSF Italy has established a new Department of Programmes, composed by a Humanitarian Affairs unit, a Medical unit and an Operations unit which includes the projects.

Within the areas of potential intervention, MSF Italy has identified operational needs in Rome with a focus on the marginalized migrant women in informal settlements, and in Palermo metropolitan area with a focus on migrants survivors of intentional violence (SiV). The Emergency Sea Landings Project will become a regular Project in 2023 called People on the Move.

The HR Coordinator position has been created as part of the MSF Italy Operations. In particular, the HR setup is based on a lean design with a relative flat structure of hierarchy. According to this setup, the HR Coordinator guarantees the HR management and legal and administrative support to operations in Italy in compliance with the OCB standards and in line with the Italian legal context. A close coordination with the MSF Italy Human Resources Head Quarter is key to ensure compliance with Italian legislation. The HR Coordinator represents the key link between the field team, the OCB HR Department in Brussels, and, at the same time, it guarantees the coherence with MSF Italy Human Resources Management, through mutual support and horizontal coordination with the HR HQ unit and HR Field department of MSF Italy.

In 2022, the Programmes Department has undertaken a process of revision of governance and processes due to an internal reorganization and to a larger Field Recentralization Process, with the introduction of the Regional Support Team Cell 8.

Scope, reporting and accountability lines

  • The HR Coordinator will report hierarchically into the Head of MSF Italy Operations and will functionally report to the HR Team leader RST 8. S/he supervises the definition and the implementation of human resources strategy for the Operations in Italy in line with OCB policies, ensuring they are in line with the context, the operational challenges and OCB HR Department vision, values and standards.
  • Contributes to the development of a new organizational model in which a partner section is responsible to support operations on behalf of OCB. S/he is the primary link between the Italian Operations, the other HR departments of MSF Italy, the HR Department in Brussels, and the European Regional Support Team on all relevant HR issues. 
  • As a strategic partner to Operations, s/he contributes to the definition and implementation of the Operations objectives with a focus on HR matters. Ensures the required HR capacities, by assessing and improving people capabilities, and guarantees their contribution and active participation in order to achieve operational goals effectively.
  • Guarantees the HR coherence in terms of strategy, policies and guidelines between OCB HR and MSF Italy Operations. Ensures that MSF acts as a responsible employer.
  • Puts in place monitoring systems concerning the respect of HRM principles and administrative and legal constraints.

Main tasks and responsibilities

  • Is an active member of the MSF Italy Operations Coordination Team, contributing to the Operations objectives definitions and strategic plan.
  • Defines the HR set up of the operations and ensures the availability of people and competences needed, in the short, mid and long term (recruitment, work cost, management and learning development plans) in consultation and collaboration with MSF Italy HR HQ and Field HR Unit.
  • Contributes to planning and definition of Human Resources needs for the operations, in order to timely and efficiently contribute to the achievement of operational objectives.
  • Policy definition, maintenance, and review: designs MSF Italy Operations HR Policies and the Administrative guidelines ensuring compliance with MSF OCB
  • Ensures, via the Finance HR Managers in the projects and the HR Manager in coordination, the implementation of all HR Policies, in order to design job profiles, organisational charts and decision-making processes.
  • Ensures a good knowledge of the labour market: in terms of profiles available, level of qualifications; in close collaboration with the HR HQ department leads the labour market and benchmarking studies.
  • Is responsible for the HR budget (and forecast) of MSF Italy Operations and is the guarantor of the HR commitments. Is responsible for submitting exceptions and deviations to OCB HR Team Lead RST 8
  • Uses tools at his/her disposal in order to ensure the HR and administrative health of the mission and proposes changes/corrections to the Field.
  • In coordination with MSF Italy and OCB HR Department, develops, promotes and implements the mobility and detachment policy according to the needs and the context and in accordance with policies and standards.
  • Ensures quality management of the contracts by liaising with MSF Italy HR HQ in charge of the legal compliance with Italian law of contracts and payroll.
  • Ensures quality staff recruitment for national and international staff in compliance with Italian legislation and according to OCB and MSF Italy policies and standards through a structured and clear recruitment policy.
  • Ensures, in close collaboration with the medical team, the implementation of safety/security/medical protocols in order to ensure healthy and risk-free working conditions for all staff in the Operations.
  • Provides expertise to coordinators/supervisors/activity managers on how to manage their teams (team management, conflict management, stress management, communication, meetings…)
  • Makes sure that any cases linked to responsible behaviour are prevented, detected, reported to the GAREC (Group for Advice and Research into Ethics and Conduct) and managed.
  • Ensures proper end of assignment, debriefing and capitalization of experiences.
  • In close collaboration with the Risk Management Officer of MSF Italy, ensures that all HR insurance policies regarding staff members, are activated and compliant with Italian legislation.
  • Is responsible for maintaining the HRIS systems (Homere and HRNet/WeDo).


Contract: Fixed term contract (initially 6 months extendable). The terms and conditions will be discussed as per MSF applicable remuneration rules.   This position is open both nationally and internationally for individuals legally authorized to work in Italy

Gross Annual Salary:  Depending on MSF experience of the selected candidate

Duty Station: Based in the MSF Italy Rome office, with frequent travelling to the field

Compensation and benefits:

  • Health Insurance
  • The staff will be entitled to a luncheon voucher worth €5 for each day worked for the entire period of his/her contract.
  • Accommodation – if relocated within Italy or recruited internationally: MSF provides accommodation in the form of collective housing (shared accommodation) or through an installation fee (1 off payment) of 1,000 euro.
  • Transport: MSF will cover a round trip ticket at the beginning and at the end of the contract and an additional round trip ticket will be paid by MSF between the place of domicile and assignment location every 12 months of contract for non-Italian residents as per MSF Policy

If interested please apply following the link below:

Deadline for application: 24 Oct 2022 - Desired starting date: 01 Nov 2022

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Applicants not invited for interview within 4 weeks from the closure of the vacancy may consider their applications unsuccessful.

MSF Italy is an inclusive employer that fosters diversity and engages systematically to ensure that equal employment opportunities are provided without regard to age, race, creed, religion, sex, disability, medical condition, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national or ethnic origin or any other legally recognized status entitled to protection under applicable laws.

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : COOPI – Cooperazione Internazionale
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Milan /
Fichier : Microsoft Office document icon tor_senior_grants_officer_nov2021.doc
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Coordination
Date de publication : 29/11/2021
Date limite : 13/12/2021


  • Master's degree in humanitarian studies, development cooperation, international relations, or similar
  • Minimum 5-7 years of progressive professional experience in similar roles
  • Proven experience in managing partnership with DG ECHO, and in-depth knowledge of EU contractual rules
  • Excellent knowledge of English and French
  • Excellent analytical and writing skills
  • Ability to work under stress, communicate effectively and in a timely manner
  • Results and problem solving orientation
We reserve the right to close the vacancy prior to the application closing date, once a sufficient number of applications have been received.
Please note that only the shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Interviews will be conducted on rolling basis and the vacancy will be closed when filled, thanks for understanding.



COOPI Cooperazione Internazionale is an Italian secular and independent humanitarian organisation that fights against all forms of poverty to improve the world. It was founded in 1965 by Father Vincenzo Barbieri. Today COOPI is present in 33 countries in Africa, Latin America and the Middle East, with both emergency and development projects carried out by expatriate staff (an average of 150 people per year) and national staff. The main institutional funders are the European Union (ECHO and INTPA), USAID, UN agencies, the Italian Government, local authorities and other European governments.
Role description

The Development and Knowledge Area is an integral part of COOPI's International Activities Department. Its mandate is to lead the design and implementation of COOPI's institutional funding strategy, and to coordinate, cultivate and promote the knowledge and quality of the organisation's programmes. He/she will focus on the management of the partnership with ECHO, playing an active representative role in the European humanitarian space and providing guidance to regional and national coordinators in the design and management of contracts. 

Role responsabilities
Main Tasks
  • Contributes to the management of the Partnership Certificate with DG ECHO, facilitating and ensuring compliance with the inherent requirements and contractual obligations of the organisation;
  • Monitors, analyses and reports on the correct application of the contractual framework, and provides support to HQ services to comply with these requirements at all stages of the project cycle management;
  • dentifies funding opportunities and coordinates the design process within the annual HIP process, supporting national and regional coordinators in writing and presenting qualitative and strategic proposals, verifying their economic and financial analysis in collaboration with the relevant figures;
  • Supports contract management, with particular responsibility for contractual amendments and reporting, and acts as an advisor in communication with the donor throughout project implementation;
  • Develops and disseminates training tools, guidelines and information documents on how to work with DG ECHO and related operational issues;
  • Represents and positions the organisation as a leading humanitarian actor with relevant NGO organisations and networks (such as VOICE FPA Watch Group and Task Force); Participates in working groups and major events promoted in the humanitarian sector especially at European level; 
  • Coordinates, facilitates and promotes the organisation's participation in consultation processes promoted by DG ECHO or VOICE;
  • Promotes a strategic vision of partnership with DG ECHO, raising awareness and informing the organisation about innovative opportunities and programmatic avenues.
Other activities:
  • When requested, identifies calls and other funding opportunities from institutional funders for COOPI activities, studying how to access and manage them;
  • Contributes to a systematic needs analysis on design in countries with respect to institutional funders under its responsibility;
  • Contributes to the production of reflections and good practices on the management of institutional funding within the Development & Knowledge area.


Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Médecins Sans Frontières - Artsen Zonder Grenzen
Site web :
Adresse email :
Lieu de l'emploi : Rome /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Ressources humaines
Date de publication : 20/10/2021
Date limite : 07/11/2021



Preferred degree in HR management, Business Administration and legal related studies.



Essential MSF working experience

Essential previous experience of at least 2 years in a relevant and similar position



Essential fluency in Italian (C1/B2) and in English (B2).

Knowledge of French is an asset



Desirable: knowledge of employment laws and administrative practices in Italy



  • Strategic vision
  • Leadership
  • People Management and development
  • Planning and organizing
  • Teamwork and cooperation
  • Stress management



MSF Italy is looking for an Operations HR Coordinator


In 2020 MSF OCB has handed over the responsibility for the implementation of their Operations in Italy to MSF Italy. To handle the new projects, MSF Italy has established a new Department of Programmes, composed by a Humanitarian Affairs unit, a Medical unit and an Operations unit which includes the projects.

Within the areas of potential intervention, MSF Italy has identified operational needs in Rome with a focus on the marginalized migrant women in informal settlements, and in Palermo metropolitan area with a focus on migrants victims of intentional violence (ViV).

The Operations HR Coordinator position has been created as part of the Programmes Department. In particular, the HR setup of the Programmes Department is based on a lean design with a relative flat structure of hierarchy being the traditional coordination unit part of the Programmes Department at MSF IT HQ. According to this setup, the Operations HR Coordinator guarantees the HR management and legal and administrative support to operations in Italy in compliance with the OCB standards and in line with the Italian legal context. Legal and administrative expertise and final responsibility are centralized in the MSF IT HR HQ unit, therefore a close coordination with the HR HQ is mandatory to ensure compliance with Italian legislation. The Operations HR Coordinator represents the key link between the field team, the OCB HR Department in Brussels, and, at the same time, it guarantees the coherence with MSF Italy HRM, through mutual support and horizontal coordination with the HRHQ unit and HR Field department of MSF Italy.

In 2022, the Programmes Department will undertake a process of revision of governance and processes due to an internal reorganization and to a larger Field Recentralization Process, therefore, the current reporting lines of the position may change in the future.

Scope, reporting and accountability lines

  • Supervises the definition and the implementation of human resources strategy for the Operations in Italy in line with OCB policies, ensuring they are in line with the context, the operational challenges and OCB HR Department vision, values and standards.
  • Contributes to the development of a new organizational model in which a partner section is responsible to handle operations on behalf of OCB while the operations are being recentralized. S/he is the primary link between the Italian Ops, the other HR departments of MSF Italy, the HR Department in Brussels, the European Regional Support Team and the Field Recentralization Team in Brussels on all relevant HR issues. 
  • As a strategic partner to Operations, contributes to the definition and implementation of the Operations’ objectives with a focus on HR matters. Ensures the required HR capacities, by assessing and improving people capabilities, and guarantees their contribution and active participation in order to achieve operational goals effectively.
  • Ensures that MSF acts as a responsible employer for the field staff together with HR departments. Supports proper management of HR.
  • Guarantees the HR coherence in terms of strategy, policies and guidelines between OCB HR and MSF Italy HR departments.
  • Puts in place monitoring systems concerning the respect of HRM principles and administrative and legal constraints

Main tasks and responsibilities

  • Is an active member of the Programmes Department Coordination Team, contributing to the Operations objectives definitions and strategic plan.
  • Defines the HR set up of the operations and ensures the availability of people and competences needed, in the short, mid and long term (recruitment, work cost, management and learning development plans) in consultation and collaboration with MSF IT HR HQ and Field HR Unit.
  • Contributes to planning and definition of Human Resources needs for the operations, in order to timely and efficiently contribute to the achievement of operational objectives.
  • Policy definition, maintenance, and review: designs MSF IT Operations HR and Admin guidelines and policies ensuring compliance with MSF OCB and MSf Italy standards while trying to find the right alignment.
  • Ensures, via the SLAF in the projects and the HR manager in coordination, the implementation of all HR Policies and Management Guidelines at field team level. Provides advice and technical expertise to the Programmes Department and field SLAF, in order to design job profiles, organisational charts and decision-making processes.
  • Ensures a good knowledge of labour market: in terms of profiles available, level of qualifications; in close collaboration with the HR HQ department leads or requests labour market and benchmarking studies.
  • Is responsible for the HR budget (and forecast) of the Operations and is the guarantor of the HR commitments taken during the ARO. Is responsible for submitting exceptions and deviations to OCB Head of Field HR or IT HR HQ, depending on the case and following the principle « apply or explain ».
  • Monitors the HR & administrative quality of the mission. Uses control tools at his/her disposal in order to ensure the HR and administrative health of the mission and proposes changes/corrections to the Field.
  • In coordination with MSF Italy HR Departments and OCB HR Department, develops, promotes and implements the Operations’ mobility policy according to the needs and the context and in respect with policies and standards.
  • Ensures quality management of the contracts by liaising with MSF Italy HR HQ in charge of the legal compliance with Italian law of contracts and payroll.
  • Ensures quality staff recruitment for national and international staff in compliance with Italian legislation and according to OCB and MSF Italy policies and standards through a structured and clear recruitment policy.
  • Beyond the Operations in Italy ensures the alignment with HR institutional objectives and needs, such as supporting development of staff beyond their current role in the operations, promoting space to grow new staff (first missions) or staff under development plans, detachment, etc…
  • Ensures the proper implementation of the OCB Performance Management System (PMS) throughout the Operations, for evaluating people performance and detecting training needs, in accordance to operational requirements, in order to improve people’s capabilities and enhance their contribution to operational goals.
  • Defines an induction strategy for the mission.
  • Ensures, in close collaboration with the medical team, the implementation of safety/security/medical protocols in order to ensure healthy and risk-free working conditions for all staff in the Operations.
  • Provides expertise to coordinators/supervisors/activity managers on how to manage HR (team management, conflict management, stress early detection, communication, meetings…)
  • Detects potential conflicts among Operations staff and intervenes advising the relevant staff on conflict resolution when necessary.
  • Makes sure that cases linked to behavioural issues among Operations are prevented, detected and managed.
  • Ensures proper end of assignment, debriefing and capitalization of experiences.
  • Is the focal point at Programmes Department level for the administrative and legal compliance for any Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) -regarding Operations- in force between local partners (eg. Ministry of Health, etc.) and MSF.
  • In close collaboration with the Risk Management Officer of MSF Italy, ensures that all HR insurances regarding Operations staff members are activated and compliant with Italian legislation.
  • Is responsible to maintain a proper HRIS system.

Contract: Fixed term contract (12 months), Full-time. Level 1 of Italian CCNL of Commerce. Candidates should hold a work permit to work in Italy.

Gross Annual Salary:  Euro 36.504  - 43.805, depending on MSF experience of the selected candidate.

Duty Station: Based in the MSF Italy Rome office, with frequent travelling to the field.

Compensation and benefits:

  • Health Insurance: health insurance will be granted through the Italian National Health Care System plus an extra medical insurance (Sanimpresa) which covers medical costs and an extra general insurance (Assicurazione Generali) that covers for medical expenses for illness and hospitalization, permanent invalidity and death (100k).
  • The staff will be entitled to a luncheon voucher worth €5 for each day worked for the entire period of his/her contract.
  • Accommodation: MSF provides accommodation in the form of collective housing (shared accommodation with a contribution of 250 euro) or through an installation fee (una tantum) of 1,000 euro.
  • Transport: MSF will cover a round trip ticket at the beginning and at the end of the contract and an additional round trip ticket will be paid by MSF between the place of domicile and assignment location every 12 months of contract for non-Italian residents.

Deadline for application: 7/11/2021

Desired starting date: beginning of December.

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Applicants not invited for interview within 4 weeks from the closure of the vacancy may consider their applications unsuccessful.

MSF Italy is an inclusive employer that fosters diversity and engages systematically to ensure that equal employment opportunities are provided without regard to age, race, creed, religion, sex, disability, medical condition, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national or ethnic origin or any other legally recognized status entitled to protection under applicable laws.

